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Showing posts from May, 2010

Road Trip Review Part II: The Scene

The Chapel Hill/Carrboro area is a pretty cool place. It's full of the kind of culture, eccentricity and diversity often found in college towns. I didn't go to school there myself (and think most of its graduates have an air of pretension I can do without) but I do respect the uniqueness of the town and the history of the school. Places we ate and drank: Spanky's: a little too yuppy for my taste, but they did have drink specials. Pepper's Pizza: a C.H. institution known for its fab pizza and weird waitstaff....Laura from Superchunk even worked there back in the day! The food was great and the experience even better as there were children who entertained with pop n lock while we ate. Awesome! The Reservoir: a dive bar that was perfect for a few before the show. Bada Wings: another drink spot. Good live music. McDonald's on Franklin Street: man, that was a good burger after the show! Carolina Coffee Shop: a perfect Saturday brunch spot. Quiet. E-

Road Trip Review Part I: The Music

Well, I had never been to The Cat's Cradle before and as a club I really did like it. Thumbs up on the riser thingys on the sides of the stage, the huge bar area, back smoking patio and large main room. Thumbs down on the lacking of cocktails at the bar....only beer and But the t-shirts are $8.....can't beat that! The show itself was really fantastic. Very high energy and fun. I love to watch a band play when the members seem like they're having a lot of fun, and this was definitely the case. Laura and Mac were all over the place po-going. I don't po-go myself, but I did bounce a little. The crowd itself was a bit sedate, but I will chalk that up to the average age being 35 and maybe we're all just too cool to po-go and crowd surf anymore. Oh, well. That's hipsters for you. The selections were good too...a lot of the early stuff. One new cut "Digging for Something" was really good. Some of the early tunes included: Water Wings, Florida'

Do I Even Own a Skirt?

I'm pretty psyched to be contributing as a blogger over on Skirt! as of this week. This publication is pretty much what got me wanting to start blogging again anyway. You'll probably see some of the same posts both here and there, but I'm the blogger....I can do that. Check me out over there......

My Second Music Post of the Day?!?!

Okay, so I was never a big fan of Ronnie James Dio, but I think we all have to at least take a moment and consider his contribution. If not for him, none of us would have ever known what to do with our flailing hands at a rock show. Seriously though, a very intelligent and very creative man and a true pioneer of metal. R.I.P. or rock out foreva!!!!

3, 6, 9 The Goose Drank Wine.....

Children's music today is so fantastic. It's nothing like the insipid sing-songy tunes of my youth. I've noticed as Little Boy and I listen to KidsPlace Live that most of the music is either very fun and somewhat adult-oriented or very inspiring and uplifting in a kid friendly kind of way. You're a diamond in the rough A brilliant ball of paint, You could be a work of art If you just go all the way. Okay, so I know that "Kung-Fu Fighting" was originally a crappy 70's hit, but we hear the Jack Black version (from the movie "Kung-Fu Panda") all the time. Is it just me, or is that line just really lovely and inspiring? There are so many current songs that make me both happy to listen and glad for Little Boy to have music that is both positive and fun. Here's a few to give a listen: Walk Tall Ziggy Marley & Paul Simon Down to Earth Peter Gabriel Clap Your Hands Joe McDermott Crayola Doesn't Make a Color for Your Eyes Krist

1 of 103, 1 in a Million

The story of the young boy who survived the plane crash in Tripoli has really touched my heart. He is reported to be back in his home country, and luckily he has relatives to care for him. But it's so sad knowing he lost both his parents and brother. Who knows at this point how these losses and the experience itself will affect his future? It's really heart-breaking. And even though I'm not much for belief in divine providence, I can't help but think this child was spared for something special......great even. I also have been thinking about this child who was adopted by an American family and then sent back to his home country of Russia. I have some limited experience with adoption, and I have many strong feelings about its practices. I can see both sides of this story, but overall, I am disappointed and offended by the American parents. Children shouldn't be bought and sold or worse, exchanged. Just like the surviving child, how will these events affect

I Been Waiting for This All My Born Days!

It's open, ya'll! The opening of the Nascar Hall of Fame was big news in these parts yesterday. I saw pieces on the news of folks that came from neighboring counties and states just to be the first inside this place. And for anyone that lives in, listens to the news or reads the paper in or around Charlotte, you had better know what a big deal it was to get this and the money behind it. Tara was all into ripping this place apart yesterday and questioning how it is ever going to be successful. But to be fair, does Tara really like anything? (And to think she used to write for CL . That still blows my mind sometimes.....) And I'm not into racing myself. Back in my married days, I was cajoled into a few racing type events but managed to by-pass them all except for the All-Stars Race and some qualifying nights. It's not my cup, people, I have to be honest. Even in the fancy boxes, I just didn't dig it. But being the voyeur that I am, I was always very interest

Can You Do It????

I feel much better today after Chinese food last night....I knew it would work! And also this morning, Little Boy and I heard the Imagination Movers on our morning drive. I just love those guys! Their music is fun and they remind me of guys I know in local bands. Check them out here . "Can You Do It?" is probably my fave, but there are many good ones. This is the kind of music you and your child can enjoy!

Writer vs. Mother vs. Blogger

As I watched a piece yesterday about Erma Bombeck , I couldn't help but wonder if not for Erma would we have all these great mommy blogs today. I haven't done any statistical research, but I would guess the blogs just about mothering and the adventure of mommyhood are pretty prevalent among this new mode of information . I like to talk about my parenting journey some too, but I realize how different mine is with a child with a disability which is autism . There are many blogs dedicated to that as well. But I think the thing I have always most enjoyed about my writing is that I like to let it go where it wants to go. I don't like concentrating just on motherhood or autism or I seem to get bogged down. I also don't like to get very negative in my writing. It's just not my style to air grievances on my blog (even though that may happen sometimes). But I would encourage anyone who enjoys writing, on any topic, to start a blog. I have friends who tell me all the tim

Mother's Day Short & Sweet

Happy Mother's Day to me! I'm so thankful for my Little Boy for making me the mom I am and the mom I strive to be......

The Dope On O

60 or so pages into the Oprah Unauthorized I have noticed a few things: ~Kitty Kelly isn't really lying about Oprah, but she isn't completely straight with the truth either. It's easy to tell that it's, well, bent in some places. ~She likes to use pieces of real dialogue and quotes that Oprah has said to make her sound stupid. I personally think this could be accomplished with the most well-spoken person on Earth as long as the writer is sure to include every "uh" "um" and "er" that the subject utters. ~It's obvious that any relative/friend/coworker that was willing to talk absolutely ANY smack about O was interviewed. I'm sure these people all have their love and qualms with Oprah. Who among us wouldn't be remembered the same way? ~I didn't really like that Kitty Kelly insinuated that Oprah used topics on sexual abuse and rape to further her career and popularity. That one kind of stuck in my craw. (Huh?) Say what yo

Friday Playlist 2: Makes Me Feel All Springy!

Aaaah, spring! The afternoon sun begs me to open the sun roof and let the music play! At least until I get to Little Boy's school and we have to switch to Kidsplace Live. But I can at least play my own until I get there. Here we go...... Our Lips Are Sealed The Go-Gos Baby, Give It Up K.C. & The Sunshine Band Fantasy Mariah Carey Put Your Records On Corrine Bailey Rae The Oogum Boogum Song Brenton Wood A Little Respect Erasure Around the Way Girl LL Cool J Lie in Our Graves Dave Matthews Band Paper Planes M.I.A. Best of My Love The Emotions

The Coolest Bag Ladies I Know!

I just love shopping at The Bag Lady ! It is one of those fabulous finds you sometimes come across in a town full of franchises and big box stores. This store is full of all kinds of alternative items: alternative in religion, in lifestyle, in politics and in life in general. But what I love most about it is it's female-centered philosophy.....girl power abounds! This is the kind of place I could easily go in and drop my whole paycheck, so usually I just try to pick up a few things in there that I like everytime I go. Last visit it was a few crystals, the time before it was some funny bumper stickers and magnets, and back in February it was this: This was my 35 birthday gift from myself to myself. I don't think I could have walked into some old Target store and found something that gave me a more perfect sentiment! So go check out their website and stop in the next time you're in Charlotte. And b e on the look-out for upcoming blogs of other local places I happen to think a

Apartment Crush

Oh, good grief.....I just lurve my new apartment. I've been here for almost 5 months and it is the most at-home I think I have felt in my adult life. I know that freedom in a rental may sound like an oxymoron, but given my history it's the closest thing to independence I've ever had. And just look at what I looked out and faced from my deck about a month or so ago! And now I have to look just to the left to see this lush greenery! Tra laa laa.....who would've ever thunk happiness could be found in a modest monthly payment and a year's lease with a key to your own mailbox????

I Don't Even Own a Damn Cat!

But for some reason I love surfing sites like "I Can Haz Cheezeburger" and "LOL Cats". Could something be wrong with me???? And you know how sometimes people look at stuff at work that they wouldn't want their bosses to see? This is mine! I search for these and then save them as part of my screensaver slide show. NOW do you think there's something wrong with me???? But I don't care, dammit! They're fun! And when licky cats jump up on the screen while I'm talking to a disgruntled contractor, it makes secretarial life all the more tolerable! But if you ever see a "Cathy" or "Ziggy" or "Family Circus" cartoon taped to any surface in my office, please notify the proper authorities. Something very bad is afoot.....

One Man Ghostbuster

This is an actual sighting: Time: last Thursday evening, 10ish Place: a hip restaurant/shop complex in my largish/small town What: one guy (with beard) dressed in the garb of a Ghosbuster (brown jumpsuit and all) walked into a store Bonus: driving a decked-out station wagon boat of a car equipped with all of the Ghostbusters, uh, gear And no, I wasn't quick enough to snap a pic. And no, I have no idea either. Some things you just can't make up.
For an early Mother's Day gift to myself, I treated my deck to a beaut-ee-full hanging basket. It's to celebrate the side of me that enjoys nature, peace and all things lovely. Aaah, sigh. And I treated my brain to the latest Kitty Kelley "unauthorized". It's for the side of me that loves gossip and watching someone who I once loved get knocked down a peg or two. (What? Did I just say that out loud?) Seriously though, Good Ole O has done a lot of good things in this world. But seriously though, do any of us believe she could hold that much power and not be at least in some part a raging bi-otch? Yeah, I thought so. But don't worry, I'll remember to get something for my own mother too. Besides, I only buy gifts for myself that I know Little Boy would want me to have!