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Showing posts from October, 2017

October Love

Enough With the "Shoulds"

Don't you hate it when peeps are always trying to tell you what you should like?  I think I am finally done with trying to figure out what others find "good".  And believe me, I give most all of them a try before I tap out!  But here's a list of all manner of media and art that I should give a crap about but just don't!  What's on your list? Movies: Any of The Hangover movies.  I'm not dude enough, I guess. Any of the Austin Powers movies.  See above. The new It movie based on the Stephen King novel. Not happening. "Torture porn" movies.  You people just need to see a therapist and stop keeping up the pretense of normal.  The overrun of horror movies on all streaming services this time of year.  Why would I want to be more scared than usual? Books: A Confederacy of Dunces : I know it's Pulitizer-prize winning, but I guess I just don't get it.  Such a downer too.  And nobody wants to hear that m

Liver Mush Festival Today & Tomorrow in Shelby

And don't say some bs like"I don't like liver and onions". It's not the same.  Not nearly.

Book Pick: The Bell Jar

It's interesting to read a book like this today since it was written in the 1960's, set in the 1950's and discussing subjects just as taboo today as they were then: mental illness, depression and suicide.  I'd like to think we've made some strides.  At least electro-shock therapy and lobotomies aren't as common anymore.  At least women have more control over their own bodies and decisions......or do we? Probably the best thing about this book is the slow and almost normal decline the character makes into her mental unraveling.  It makes a lot more sense when you hear loved ones say after a family member commits suicide that they "seemed normal" or were "somewhat happy".  To me, Esther didn't really seem unhappy at all.  A better description might be depressed or confused.  These quotes from the book sum it up best for me: "I wanted to tell her that if only something were wrong with my body it would be fine, I would

Panthers vs. Eagles Tonight in Charlotte, NC

Netflix Pick: The Village

Always one to congratulate myself on small victories, I watched a 13 year-old horror movie with my husband that I knew the spoilers for.  High-five me!  Seriously, this is a very suspenseful and intriguing movie with that typical M. Night Shyamalan twist at the end.  To call it "horror" might be all wrong, but I was definitely skert!  There are a lot of metaphors for our time in it and powerful relationships for sure, but for realz, it's just a good scary movie!  Rock on, October!

Absolutley Me!

Netflix Pick: My Left Foot

In continuing with trying to see all the films of my acting god, Daniel Day-Lewis , I had to check out this film which earned him his first Oscar and proved to everyone what real "method acting" was when he refused to break character, stayed in his wheelchair at all times and was spoon-fed by the film crew.  This film celebrates the life of Christy Brown , a man born in Ireland in 1932 with cerebral palsy and paralysis who became renowned for his work as a painter and writer who worked only using the toes of his left foot.  This is another film which made me grateful for the times I live in with a special needs child.  It also made me grateful that I have a husband that respects modern birth control.....hooooweeee.

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Retro Horror Movies This Month at Ayrsley Cinemas!

Panthers vs. Patriots Today

You tell him, Luuuuuke!