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Showing posts from 2018

Netflix Pick: Derry Girls

If you can understand a really thick Irish accent and can appreciate a pretty good late 80's/early 90's soundtrack, this just might be the easy, fun international sitcom you're looking for.  On the surface, this series seems really cute, but underneath it is looking at some pretty serious issues facing Northern Ireland at the time.....mainly what is known as The Troubles .  Now don't get me wrong, the group has become quite world-weary of where the current bomb may have been placed.  But this overarching feeling that "life must go on" is something all of us can relate to in these Post 9/11 times.  And also, getting banned from "the chipper" is just funny and oh so Irish.  For fook's sake, Beckai, what are you on aboot?  Just watch it, okay?

2018: You Were Good To Me

Also, I think I've really learned how to rock a hi-viz safety vest.  JS.

Things I am Done with for 2018: A Year-End List

 ~Hating on music that isn't to your taste.  Let peeps go see the Hootie & the Blowfish reunion tour!  Some of us really loved the 90's! ~Terrestrial pop radio.  I know I said we should let people like what they like, but most of this is really bad.  ~Anything having to do with the Kardashians and/or Jenners.  Jesus H., when will it end? ~Anything having to do with celebrity overconsumption in general.  Having money and fame doesn't equal having sense, style or interest. ~Being famous for absolutely nothing.  Are they talented performers?  Great thinkers?  Innovative planners?  None of the above, usually. ~The glorification of "busy".  Most of these are choices.  If you're tired, it's usually on you.  And running around doesn't necessarily mean you're better, happier or more successful.  Just busy.  Learn to say no and/or work on your lifestyle. Admitting your limitations can be a beautiful thing. ~Complaining about cho

Underrated Xmas Classics

Book Pick: Let's Go (So We Can Get Back)

Since I'm probably the biggest and one of the few Wilco fans I know, I shocked even myself when I was on the fence about reading this memoir. As a kid, I could tell you the names of all the guys in every band I loved and probably even where they were from and their birthdays. But as an adult, I've often tried to distance myself from knowing too much about the artists whose work I really enjoy.  And I have been let down a time or two learning things about folks who I thought were pretty awesome.  I guess I shouldn't be so judgmental, but either like somebody or you don't. All I can say is after finishing this book in less than 2 days right at the busy Christmas season, I would have kicked myself if I missed out on it and then learned later what I missed out on.  Make sense?  Not really? Good. Then I'm writing this like a Jeff Tweedy book. First off, I have to put this out there.....Jeff writes like a real person.  He writes like he is talking to

Christmas Vacay on Like Donkey Kong!

Book Pick: Outlander

So I tried again to read the first novel of the amazingly popular Outlander series and failed.  Again.  But I did get far enough this time to want to know what happened, so I went to the Wikipedia page and learned just enough to be dangerous.  And it is a fascinating story of history, time travel, political intrigue and romance.  And you would think with all the Ken Follett reading I've done that I would love it.  But for some reason I just don't.  This was even a PBS top pick was like #3 or something....what the hell is wrong with me?  And there's even a series.  But I haven't looked at that yet.  And probably won't.  And it has brawny Scottish men in kilts.  Again, what exactly is my problem??? I think this may go back to my weird proclivities and the basic inability to like anything that is really popular.  Let's make a list of things in recent years that I tried and couldn't stay with: Game of Thrones (books & series)

Hey Ma, Watch Me While I NPR Up This Tattoo!

So, I did something this year that is either a pretty huge right of passage, a dramatic mistake or no big deal at all......depending on who you listen to.  I got a tattoo.  And I'm not even gonna lie.  It hurt.  It really hurt.  Look at this picture. Do you see how hard I am trying not to cry, throw up or pass out?  Can you see that here? My husband, who has so many tattoos btw that we could not even count, accompanied me on this big first. He took this picture and then skidaddled out the door because he could not bear the look on my face.  But I'm proud to say that I made it through without any bodily fluids flying and felt like I kinda learned a little something about myself.  And about pain.  Yeah, there was pain. When my husband and I talk about it now, it's like we're in this little club with some other cool people.  Now grant it, LOTS of peeps have tattoos now, so the club is not really small.  But it is still kind of exclusive. Almost everyone I know ha

Jeff Tweedy keeps me WARM

Digging the new Jeff Tweedy record, Warm.  Review coming soon. 

Netflix Pick: Dumplin

Sooooo.  This might be pretty much the sweetest and most-endearing film I've seen in some time and has all the ingredients of something I just might love: Dolly Parton sing-alongs, Jennifer Aniston with a Southern accent, true teenage girl friendship, and what's that thing you just hardly ever see in cinema anymore?  Oh, yeah.  INNOCENCE. Full of body positivity, the complications of mother/daughter relationships and the insecurity that you never quite outgrow, this movie had me in tears more than once.  And it also reminded me of some of the girl-power movies that I've loved from the past 20 years: Drop Dead Gorgeous, Sugar & Spice, Whip It, Little Miss Sunshine, Legally Blond and Juno. And while I don't think I need to warn you about this, I will anyway.  Keep your boyfriends and husbands away while you're watching this gem.  It's not for them, and they won't get it.  And yes, they will ruin it for you.  How do I know that?  Please.  All w

Holidays at the Garden are a Treat!

My fam has been looking forward to Holidays at the Garden since we first went last year.  Worth the time and the money for a lovely walk through the gardens.  Check out the beautiful DSBG in Gaston County!

This Weekend

Movie Pick: BlackkKlansman

First off, this is one of the best movies I've seen in a while. And second, it may even be the best of Spike Lee's many joints. I'm not sure I can even describe how clever this film is.  It takes a subject, that sounds incredibly unbelievable, and manages to play it with a lot of heart and, amazingly, humor.  Paying homage to Blaxploitation cinema of the 1970's and a low-key but on-point soundtrack (Brandy, You're a Fine Girl!) this film really takes hold of the moment that was 1971.  Then it smacks you in the face big-time by pulling you straight into present-time with current political figures, watershed moments and even catchphrases.  I don't want to spoil the end, but I'm telling you, stay seated until it's over.  You will be moved. This film made me think of two of Spike Lee's previous films in particular: Malcolm X and Do the Right Thing.  There's a journey in all of these movies, and at times it almost seems light-hea

Book Pick: Unsheltered

Continuing my long love affair of Barbara Kingsolver  is almost too easy for me.  Especially when my husband bought this book for me as a surprise!  (What a dude!  Seriously.  Forget flowers & candy.  Get you a man that buys you books!) This novel is weighted with heavy subject matter of our time: suicide, income insecurity, housing instability, climate change, elder parent care.......basically, think of a modern-day stressor and you'll find it here.  But Kingsolver, as always, ties it together in a nifty package that manages to give you some hope at the end. And some girl power.....just tell me how to not love that Tig! I loved the way this book challenged my long-held beliefs as a Gen Xer and made me consider that the younger generation may be onto something with their lesser consumption.  Well, I hope so anyway.  If kids today have some better ideas, I'm all ears because I think we could all agree that we're on the wrong path. I can't lie......this book

World AIDS Day 2018

Get tested, get care, reach out for help and for education. It's not over.  It never was.

Netflix Pick: 6 Years

First of all, the Duplass brothers want to kill you with your own tears.  So there's that.  And second, they make you look at things that sometimes you would just rather not.  But you look anyway. I didn't think anything could break my heart like Blue Jay , and this one didn't......well.....not exactly. 6 Years was hard to watch.  Hard to watch those kids drink so much and hurt each other so much and then start a new day and do it all over again. It made me think about choices and manipulation and how much of ourselves are tied into the persons we love.....and how bad that can be sometimes. I couldn't watch it and not think of my college sweetheart and my high school sweetheart and know that I married the right one.  I couldn't watch it and not think of some things I would have done differently.  And I couldn't watch it and not realize that things never quite change, not really, from generation to generation.  And that is both a sad and comforting fact

Book Pick: Romeo and/or Juliet

This is a really fun read that I spent a few happy lunch breaks with.  It will make you have more doubt than ever before about the so-called greatest love story of all time, AND make you want to watch the Claire Danes/Leonardo version on Google Play.  Or maybe even Shakespeare in Love .  You decide. And it probably would be pretty fun for a teenager that knows the difference between this book and the for realz Shakespeare version.  JS.  If they don't, I'd be afraid they'd be all kinds of confused and would flunk that lit exam pretty hard.  Again, JS. 

Book Pick: The Risen

There are many, many North Carolina writers particularly in the Blue Ridge area.  But I think very few have the ability to capture small-town mystery and monotony like Ron Rash.  This novel will spark every rural memory you ever had if you grew up in a small town: the drowsy creek, the uptight Sunday dinners, the guilt of not wanting to go to church, the hope of escape.  And then the inevitable sadness of never managing to do it. Ron Rash has such a way with weaving reality into fiction that I almost cannot stomach his books at times like The Cove and Above the Waterfall .  Serena taught me a lot of history , but unfortunately the movie left me flat. But Ron knows how to tell a story.  How he manages to make Sylva, NC both beautiful and scary I just can't really say.  But he is definitely a North Carolina treasure.  I realize it more and more with every book I finish. 

Fall Beard Season is Coming.....

Movie Pick: Bohemian Rhapsody

Reasons to see the new theatrical release, Bohemian Rhapsody: You love the band Queen.  They are a part of your childhood and/or rock mythos.  You miss the grandeur of early arena rock gods.  You miss the idea of the larger-than-life lead singer.  You love the music of Queen.  You flipped out the first time you heard "Bohemian Rhapsody".  Then you flipped again when you heard "Bicycle".  You love performances that are true to life, true to look and true to history.  If you remember Live Aid, you will be amazed at how close this acted portrayal is to the historic and triumphant performance by Queen at the event in 1985.  And then to realize what a moment it was for Freddie and for the band has he approached the last 6 years of his short life.  You still miss Freddie.  You remember when he died.  You may cry as you watch Rami Malek portray him with such honesty and loyalty and be sad all over again in realizing that he's still gone. 

It's Funny Cuz It's True!

My Kid's Halloween Costume is Cooler Than Yours

Jack White: Hypocritical Kiss

"You're the boy that talks but says nothin' A big game to the ones that you think'll believe you, But you don't know how to read The look on my face when it says Yeah, I've read that book too......" 

The 1st Step is Admitting You Have a Problem

Operation Mindcrime: 30 Years Later

There are very few hard rock albums of the 80's that truly hold up.  Especially 30 years later. But Queensryches' Operation Mindcrime is one of the few. Released in 1988, Mindcrime was a fantastic concept album telling the story of young Nikki, a young operative in a power play of corrupt politics, sex traffic, religious bigots and drug abuse.  The record has so many great songs like Speak , The Needle Lies , and my personal fave Eyes of a Stranger .  The themes, the lyrics and even the newsworthiness of it is so unflinchingly fresh today as it was 30 years ago.....and that is actually pretty scary when you think about it. I believe one song even features the phrase "the one percent".  Do you remember using or hearing that phrase way back then? I was lucky enough as a girl of 16 to see Operation: Mindcrime performed in its entirety while Queensryche toured their Empire album.  It was an exhilarating spectacle of video images and film along with the g