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Showing posts from 2012

2012 Year End Issue

Wow.  What a year it has been.  There were some definite highs and lows and a few things that were quite unexpected.  So here we go...... 2012: The Best and Worst Best Theatric Movie: Looper Best Old Movie Seen for the First Time: Legends of the Fall Most Unexpected Pleasure: Watching my son bond with his baby sister Most Irritating Online Moment: Watching ex friends bond with ex's new wife Best Books of the Year: The Company You Keep , Double Bind , Jimmy Hendrix Turns 80 Biggest Book Disappoint of the Year After Much Anticipation: Winter of the World Biggest Time Waste of the Year: tie between reading 50 Shades of Gray in one weekend and the intermittent episodes of The Office I've managed to catch Best Too Short Season of a Great Series: Mad Men Scariest Moment of the Year: going to hospital with new husband Biggest Relief of the Year: coming home from hospital with new husband Happiest Times of the Year: at home with husband and son Highlight of

How Do You NOT Love......?

This goofy kid?????

Halloween Sisters

No one knows you or understands you like your siblings.  And for this reason, I really feel bad for only children sometimes.  Also, you can make fun of how they dance and they can't do anything about it.  That is love.

I'm Not 17 Anymore.....And I'm Glad!

In keeping with always being incredibly behind the times, my high school sweetheart and I watched Easy A last night on FX.   I feel the need to point out my husband was my high school sweetheart because whenever we watch flicks about high school, we inevitably end up talking about our school days together.  And we almost always agree, as probably anyone over the age of 30 will, that the times, indeed, are a'changing. First off, I was pretty let down by this movie.  I thought I knew what it was all about, but obviously I was dead wrong.  How does creating and running your own rumor mill make you a strong young woman?  If you control the rumors about your sluttiness you are somehow empowered?   And then when a boy asks you out and actually wants some the action in the rumors, then you are insulted?   And it's not until you get insulted and cry your eyes out that you have the nerve to tell the boy you've liked since middle school that you actually like him? I've

The Updated 'Steel Magnolias': My Take

I will tell you right up front that, no, it wasn't as good as the original.  But let's be fair many movie re-makes are?  But even admitting that, I still think it was a good movie. I think the biggest reason it wasn't as good as the first was because it was a 2 hour cable television movie with commercials.  There just wasn't enough time to develop each character's personal story as in the first movie.   And while the stellar cast of women was pretty much the best you could get, the male co-stars were pretty Sam Shepard or Tom Skerrit here.   But let me tell you what I did like...... Jill Scott as Truvy.  She was excellent as the saucy hairdresser. (She also has some past experience as the neglected wife which she plays well.)  Alfre Woodard was also great, and I loved her twangy accent. I loved that while the scenes were very close copies, they weren't identical.  I love Queen Latifah, but we all knew she would not b

The Great Pumpkin

  Time f lies ....... 

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

We are pumpkining this weekend!  Pics to follow......


It will blow your mind.

Magic 8 Ball, Are Things Finally Starting to Look Up?

Dads & Ears

Did you know there is a whole slew of videos on YouTube featuring young people hearing for the first time with a hearing device or cochlear implant?  It really makes you realize what a wonderful world we live in today with all its medical and technological innovation! I especially like this video for how the girl leans toward and responds to her dad's comfort.   Very recently in an episode that E-Roc and I know call "the wonkadoo heart", my dad really came to the rescue when I was in a very scary place.  It's funny how the comfort of your parents can instantly turn you back into a little girl again, and when you are still a little girl, give you pretty much everything you need!

Ye Ye Yee Live Action!

If you aren't watching Call of the Wildman , you are not only missing some great "ye ye yee live action!" but also a great friendship.  I don't know what E-Roc and I love more, watching Turtle Man grab up a wild critter by the tail or listening to Neal tell him "be careful, buddy!"

Upside Down!

Little Boy and I have both rediscovered our love for this soundtrack.

Do It For Us, Steve!

Man, I tell you, sometimes I wish Steve would just pick up the phone when Neal calls !  I'm sure there's more underlying all this than we'll ever know, but wouldn't a real true reunion of Journey be the all-out cat's p-jams??? Sometimes I hear Journey so frequently, I almost forget they're not making current music.  Any band with that much staying power for over 30 years has got to be worth a few phone conversations.  

For My Hubby

Jesus and Steve Smith

While I am not a religious person by any means, I probably know the Holy Bible better than most other heathens like me.  Some of the stories in it do the best job of any for teaching about respect, love and obedience in relationships.  Such is the case with the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Which is why I really thought this event here was especially nice.  The kids didn't just get new shoes and socks, they got their feet washed too!  

Is Jax Tavern to Blame?

I hardly ever comment on local news stories, but this one here just bugs the piss outta me. I'm not sure the folks at this establishment are culpable for this man's death, but the article indicates this is clearly not the nicest place on the block.  AND if you ever read the local paper you will quickly see that this particular family has scraps with the law ALL. THE. TIME. (And go on down and read on the comments on this news piece too.  You will learn quite a lot about the rules of bar tending, my friend.) If I lived in Belmont or owned and ran a business there, I do believe I would do something I've heard my dad say plenty of times: "stand on my head and show my ass".  Because I don't think I would want Belmont known as a place that has businesses run by such irresponsible people OR has businesses run by people who CONSTANTLY break the law themselves.  I wouldn't want my business or my home hurt by their bad decisions. But I don't live in Be

Not a Trained Monkey

I spent an inordinate amount of time this weekend trying to capture really perfect pics of my child.  Frolicking, sitting, thinking, playing, looking pensive, looking sweet, etc.  Unfortunately, my camera was never ready when he started laughing his crazy giggle (for no good reason) or started mimicking E-Roc's exclamations during football.  Oh, well.  I tried.

How Cute People Get Through Life

Last night, my ordinarily very intelligent husband thought that Abbie Hoffman was Jimmy Hoffa.  I let him by with it because he is especially cute and usually very smart. 

Sad, But True

Totally digging on and loving this blog on a slow Friday.......

Public Service Message

Powerful piece about how drinking could be affecting your parenting.  Pass it on to those who need it.

Released This Week.....Finally!

My weekend reading.....for as much as Little Boy will allow!

Things You Can't Make Up

Last night I had a dream that I was in some kind of weird karaoke bar where you actually performed your song with the washed-up band that made it famous.  I was set to go on with Dave Coverdale to sing "Here I Go Again" but it was clear that Dave didn't think I was up to it when he started quizzing me about the entire Whitesnake catalog.   In the end, I stood up on a table and sang "Detroit Rock City" while a bloated Ace jammed out beside me.  Vince Neil was also wandering around for some reason. And no, I didn't watch "Behind the Music: Hair Metal" last night while E-Roc watched feetball. And no, I don't drop acid before bedtime. Weird.  I know.

Still Stuck.....

Stuck in the 90's

Late Summer Reads

With every book I finish, E-Roc has started asking "which war are you gonna read about now?" Well, smartie, I will have you know that Whiteout has nothing to do with war......unless you are considering biological terrorism war, in which case, you win. But The Company You Keep is right in step with my current interest in the Vietnam War .  So maybe next I'll read about Korea....or the War of 1812.....who knows! Oh, wait.  I'm still waiting on Winter of the World to come out .......WWII here I come!

Teenage Dream

Jesus H, I miss 1991!  Luckily, Halloween is coming soon.  Could I be channeling 16 year-old me???

Pink! is Back! And Still Pissed! Off!

Funny.  I expected her first hit after the birth of her baby girl to be all hearts and flowers....not the ultimate get outta my life tirade! But then again, would we expect anything less from Pink!?


Current Stars of the Interwebs

Cuteness. Is. Killing. Me.

Latest Obsession.....

Well, If BECKY BROWN Says So....

Cuteness from Tumblr

No Judgement!

Dear Company Computer Watch Guy:   Sometimes when I'm having a bad day, I will waste the last part of my day looking at pictures of dogs and puppies on Google.  Particularly, Golden Retrievers.   I also watch the following videos on YouTube: ~dog and puppies scampering ~puppies cavorting with babies ~babies laughing at nothing that's really funny ~soldier welcome-home videos (but only if I feel strong enough not to cry)   Now you know all my secrets.  Please don't judge or discipline too harshly.   B.H.

Fave New Song

Avril & Chad 4-Eva!

I'm sorry.  But does anyone else think this is pretty much a match made in Canadian douche heaven?  Maybe that's what this guy is saying here in the pic and why good ole Chad is giving him the stink eye.  No?  That's not what's happening?  Sorry, my bad.

Rage On, Paul Ryan......Uh, Yeah.

I often wonder if I could love Tom any more than I do.  And then he goes and does this .  And I realize with deep emotion, I really can! My favorite line of the piece: "Ryan claims that he likes Rage's sound, but not the lyrics. Well, I don't care for Paul Ryan's sound or his lyrics." E-Roc and I had a discussion about how you could listen to something and like it and still not really agree with it.  Like how you could like the sound of some hip-hop but not approve of the mysoginy.  (That is sadly the best example I have a the moment.)  However, I don't think you could "like" the sound of Rage without letting some the politics seep in.  At least a little.  That would be like saying all those Indigo Girls concerts didn't make me at all empathetic to the LGBT community.  C'mon now. When it comes to Rage, and I know what I'm talking about here, you either believe in it or you don't.  If you don't get it or only like th

Packing for Your Dorm: What Your Mom Can't Buy For You

This time of year always get me oh so nostalgic.   Even though this article here is basically the what-to-pack for dummies version for new freshmen, I still got a kick of thinking about my old school days when I read it.    I don't have a teenager or a "typical" kid, so I don't always know what the yungins are into these days.  However, I think I can say pretty authoritatively that they've got way more stuff than when I was in school.    I remember when I first talked on the phone to my lottery-pick roommate of my freshmen year, and we agreed that we would both bring blue comforters (style of our choice) and she would bring the TV.  Her parents were letting her bring her car, but mine were not (can you imagine, kids?) so at least I would have a ride when I needed it.  I was bringing a phone that we could share (again.....sounds like olden times, I know) and we would pretty much figure out the rest when we got there.   And did we ever. My plucky roommate

This Whole Health Insurance Thing: A Personal Experience

Yesterday we received E-Roc's highly dreaded anticipated hospital bill.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  But let's just say a 3 night hospital stay costs waaaaay more than the nicest of hotels I've had the luxury to enjoy. And since I have insurance through my place of employment (which I gratefully added him to after we wed and just mere weeks before his health scare took place) we only have to pay a very small fraction of the total cost of the bill.  And as for that total amount, may I just add, it was about 2/3 of the cost of our home. Now let's consider that for a second. E-Roc and I very much lower middle class.  Working class.  Whatever, you'd like to call it.  Imagine if we didn't have that insurance coverage.  We just got a bill that is only slightly less than what we owe on our house.  How would anyone ever be expected to manage that? And here's something else regarding the cost of procedures.  As for the labs and expertise

Women of the Olympics: My Current Faves

Gabby Douglas Holley Mangold Misty May-Treanor & Kerri Walsh-Jennings Missy Franklin Lashinda Demus Womens Gymnastics Team Lolo Jones Destinee Hooker

R.I.P. Maeve Binchy

I don't know if you'd call it heartless or clueless, but this woman here had a great time dancing all over the grave of a beloved author last week. Even Huff came out to tell her she was a dumbass.   As a bit of a writer myself, I've thought a lot about how my writing is defined by the various parts of me, motherhood being only one of many.   And I could wax on about it philosophically here, but who cares really?  Maeve died.   And when I heard, it was like losing an old friend.   Rest well, Dear Maeve.  Whatever any critic or writer ever said doesn't matter so much to me.  The fact is, you brought me comfort, entertainment and joy.  And for that, you will forever have a place in my book-loving heart.

The Crying Games

God Bless. Maybe it is just everything E-Roc and I have been through these past few weeks, but the crying gymnasts are just killing us! I totally get why gymnasts cry, maybe even more so than the other athletes, and I don't fault them at all......I am just getting to where I can't watch it. Scenario 1: Sometime last week in the Becky/E-Roc household: E-Roc      "I just can't watch these gymnastics anymore.  Cuz the little girls are gonna fall.  And then they        cry.  And it just makes me feel bad.  I mean, they are just little girls, after all."  Scenario 2: Last night: Becky       I am watching the vault competition, somewhat on the sly, based on E-Roc's previous statement.       I actually spring up in bed when the Canadian girl falls and then have to fight back my own tears       when the American girl has a big mess-up.   We just can't do it anymore, Olympic Gymnasts!  Bring on the Track and Field and Beach Volleyball!

Tuff Girls

The Olympic Games always make me feel good.  They offer some kind of pure hope and belief in some very basic principles in life: good hard work and its payoff, cooperation and respect among people of differing beliefs, and simple fun and competition in all its reward.  After the last few weeks of stress, it has been a welcome distraction and something E-Roc and I look forward to every night. All of the human interest stories are great too.  I have especially been on the look-out for Holley Mangold , after I saw her story on MTV's True Life.  Of course, Missy Franklin and Allison Shmitt are interesting and sweet.  And then there's this chica here, who should at least get a medal for speaking da truf! My favorite line in the piece:   "Apparently we're 'weird' for not constantly eating crap, binge drinking regularly and we

Cozy Coupe Distraction

Your standard non-sport package Cozy Coupe. Cruising the streets with Parent. Has its very own parking space! Kind of a Cozy Coupe flip-off to us licensed drivers. Broke down?  Waiting for parts?  Residence maybe? What about you????  Where have you seen interesting Cozy Coupe photo ops in your town?  I collected all these from the Interwebs, but I constantly see them broken down and lying around in various places in my neighborhood.  I always wonder what that poor kid is driving while he waits for his dad to get around to fixing his lil coupe....  This post, as random as it clearly is, means nothing more than to offer a distraction to whatever everyday struggles you may be facing in life.  I hope it put a little smile on your face and made you think about Cozy Coupes for a minute and forget about all that other overwhelming stuff.  Now you when head back out on the road today, you'll be on the look-out for Cozy Coupes in distress.  Or on rooftops.  Or i

Can You Believe This Daggum Cute Kid?



R.I.P. Maurice Sendak

"And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!"   One of the most memorable lines ever written in literature by one of the most gifted writers and illustrators of children's books.      I don't think it's right to be very sad when a person who has lived a long and full life dies.  But I do think it's right to praise them, to miss them even if you didn't know them, and to pass on the joy they brought to you.   Thank you, Mr. Sendak.

Current Spring Read!

For such a recent time in our history, it is very hard to find very many books about the Vietnam War.  I've always been interested because when I was growing up so many of my friends' fathers served in this war.  I was always grateful my father wasn't there.  And as I read this book, I still am.


Every time a childhood icon dies, I just feel a little bit smaller and a little bit older. Incidentally, Little Boy loves singing "Hey, ladeeeees!  Get fonk-ay!" 

Why I Became Vegetarian Part II: The Lifestyle of Food

In the weeks and months leading up to my decision to give up meat, I kept having these episodes that were turning me off meat. One day I was eating a piece of thinly sliced deli ham when I suddenly had a vision of it being some kind of flesh that had literally been ripped from an animal. I don't know where that thought came from or why it entered my head at that moment, but all I knew was that I had to get that stuff out of my mouth before I vomited all over my kitchen. After that particular moment of revulsion, I started thinking about a few other times that this similar thought had come into my head. Where it had come from, I'm just not sure, but it was a very real and disgusted feeling at the thought of having meat from an animal in my mouth. I was also realizing the smells and textures of meats were bothering me. E-Roc would bring home these delectable sandwiches and wraps from the deli, and I suddenly couldn't bear the smell of pork or salami. Or I would pretty m

Spring Read of the Moment

This is one of the weirdest and best books I have read lately.  It seems like something I should've written.  Damn her for thinking of it first, and very probably, doing it better.

Vote Against Amendment One

I have been very caught up in my own personal stories lately and have not addressed a serious issue here in North Carolina.  On Tuesday, May 8th you must VOTE AGAINST AMENDMENT ONE.  This amendment wants to create a constitutional ban on same sex marriages.  What you may not know is that such a law would hurt many domestic partnerships including homosexual and heterosexual couples.  In my community, there are a few loud politicians that are working hard to get this law passed.  Do not support these guys just because they are popular.  Do not support these guys because you grew up with them and used to play basketball with them on their parents' carport.  Do not support anything that you really don't know anything about.  Amendment 1 will not hurt your heterosexual marriage.  If you are straight, married or single, Amendment 1 will pretty much mean nothing to you. However, if you are in a same sex marriage or an opposite sex domestic partnership, this Amendment could wre

A Lot Can Happen in 30.....or Even Just 3 Years

Do you ever think about the things you loved as a kid? The music? The clothes? The friends? Chances are, all those things have changed over time. You're lucky if you still keep in touch with your grade school friends (even with the advent of FB) and you wouldn't even want to put on the clothes you wore back then! To me, music is something that has always been more enduring. Your tastes might change, but in most cases, you will always love your first love. Boy, do I know about that. E-Roc and I were recently comparing the ebb and flow and changes in the careers of two of our favorite bands: REM and U2. They've both changed so much that sometimes you don't even think you're talking about the same bands anymore. But is that always a bad thing? Take U2 for example..... Their first American single was "I Will Follow" and then of course they had the great unforgettable songs like "Sunday Bloody Sunday" and "New Year's Day". T