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Showing posts from September, 2011

Friday Playlist #10: The Best of R.E.M.

To be honest, I'm not super sad about the break-up because R.E.M. is band that will never really fade away. They have such a long catalog of great music that it will be with us for years and years to come and will continue to influence kids who won't even remember who Michael Stipe was! (I mean really, I just read a book about Emo culture called Everybody Hurts . The book sucked ass, but we all know which song it was referencing!) The saddest thing about a band like this breaking up is knowing you'll never get to see them live. But c'mon now, people. The Police broke up in the 80's and I just saw them 4 years ago. Who knows? Maybe they'll get back together in 10 or so years and bring Bill Berry back with them! Now THAT would be worth the $150 ticket price! But I digress...... Here's my favorite hits of R.E.M. Another band that reminds me of my man......and even a few that remind me of Little Boy....... ~Near Wild Heaven ~Nightswimming ~Radio Free

Chaz, Not So Scary. Now, Charlie, on the Other Hand.....

For all those haters out there, (who would never read this blog anyway) all you have to do is watch about ten seconds of this video to know that Chaz Bono is no threat to your children, your home, your marriage or anything that you hold sacred. He's about as harmless as the shy cute man at the bar who watches you all night and gets up the courage to wink before he leaves and goes home alone. So there. I couldn't watch/bear very much of this show last night, so I didn't catch much. But I think I could easily predict Kristen to win. Which is sad because I like Lauren sooooo much better. What? That's a different show? Oh, never mind....... But for your convenience, I have made a list of other things that would be more threatening than Chaz Bono's gender reassignment and subsequent DWTS coming-out par-tay (and Carson Kressley's too, I suppose): ~forgetting to pay your electric bill and losing your service during Monday Night Football ~getting a really bad piec

Did I Just Agree With Rick Perry?

Did the Earth just turn on its axis? Did George Costanza just grow hair? Did I just agree with Rick Perry???? Surely not. Actually I did. Because he supports the Texas version of the DREAM Act which is a piece of legislation that many people don't support thereby showing what I honestly think is one of the many examples of what's wrong with this country: that for as much as politicians and "regular people" claim to, we don't support peoples' attempts to better themselves. We hate dependency, but we encourage it. We hate crime, but we encourage it. How? Well, in the case of denying the DREAM Act to be passed, we offer the children of illegals two choices to earn a living once they get grown: government assistance or crime. Take your pick. But fear not, gentle readers, this liberal voter hasn't been swayed to the Dark Side of the ballot. I was returned again to my utter disdain for Perry when I saw him doing what can only be described as "preach

Weekend with My Boy

COLORS My skin is kind of sort of brownish Pinkish yellowish white. My eyes are grayish blueish green, But I'm told they look orange in the night. My hair is reddish blondish brown, But it's silver when it's wet. And all the colors I am inside Have not been invented yet. Shel Silverstein To Little Boy: Be who you are! Don't change for me. Don't change for anyone. Grow. Learn. Stay. Go. Cuddle with're not too old. Be loud. Be still. Laugh. Cry. I posted this poem on your playroom wall long before I ever knew what was "different" about you. It will still be posted on your heart and mine no matter what you come to be or don't come to be in life. No matter what, you will still be mine and you will still be yours..... Love, Mommy

10 Years Ago

Our Band Could be Your Life.....and Sometimes I Wish It Had Been.....

Currently really digging Our Band Could Be Your Life which is a book my E-Roc has been telling me to read for years. This book makes me: ~Wish I had been born 10 years earlier. ~Wish I had been braver when I was younger. ~Wish I had possibly made some totally different choices back when I could have. ~Not like Henry Rollins as much as I once did, even though I deeply respect his intellect. ~Love Mike Watt even more and be so glad I've actually heard and seen him play. ~Still agree with Ellen Page's great line from one of my fave movies, Juno , when she says that Sonic Youth "'s just noise!" It also inspired me to write down and post on my wall at work this great quote from Mike Watt in which he is describing what it was like to work a regular joe job all the while being driven creatively by his music: "Everywhere else in our lives, we were the tiny little men, but this one, this could be us....." Spoken by and for any person who ever worked

Oh, Reesey Cup!

At first she had me. Because I always like it when celebs are real about real life issues: health, parenting, money, etc. But then just as she had me.....wha......oh......oh......she lost me. I've always had mixed feelings about Reese Witherspoon anyway. According to Kevin Smith (who I am indifferent to but whom E-Roc loves in a completely non-homo way) she is a female douche because she was insulting to his writing way back when and rude to his then-girlfriend Joey Lauren Adams . How anyone can be mean to sweet lil Joey? But it was this article where Reese really lost me. I'm not anti-marriage. (Although I'm not as pro as I used to be.) And I'm all for relationships and happily-ever-after and all of that. But I hate her insinuation that every woman just needs a good man to help her out with her kids. There's nothing wrong with admitting that single parenting is hard and that support is needed. But c'mon now, Reese. I think you just set independent w

Short, But Sweet, Concert Review

Great show and great night in Charlotte last night! Probably one of the sweetest (and most weirdly quiet audience I've ever been in) and most romantic shows I've ever seen. And I've decided that since their most recent songs have been written during and around their family life, that Be My Thrill is about their children because it made me think of my son. And I miss him today. And I'm sleepy. That's it for now......

The Weepies: Music to Fall in Love With Your Man By

The first time I fell in love with my Honey Bear, I was 15 and the soundtrack was The Cure, Pearl Jam and maybe even some questionable 90's R&B. The second time, I was in my 30's and it was this band, The Weepies . I love everything about this band....the fact that they were two singer songwriters who found not only creative passion together but real passion.....they have since settled down and had a family! Now that's creative synergy, people! But of course, what I really love is their music. It's wispy and happy and sad and real and full of so many emotions and thoughts that I just can't describe it if you're not already a fan. But if you just listen to one or a few songs, you will be one.....I promise you. My favorites (and ones I'm hoping to hear tonight if anyone writing out a setlist is reading this....hint, hint) would be: Nobody Knows Me At All (which I played for my sister one time on a car trip and she said "wow....who doesn't fee
Sometimes redemption is a long time coming , but it's still usually so worth it! I don't really know why so many people hate Nickelback, but if you look them up online you will find MANY sites dedicated to it. To me, there are just an insipid, uninspired, unintelligent group of stuck-in-adolescence guys who make music to delight guys just like them. Their lyrics and content are mostly horrible, their new millennium douche look is just gross, and Chad's voice is one of the worst in pop music. Ever. Sorry for the rant. I guess you can see which side I'm on. But c'mon.....if even your home country doesn't accept you, what can you expect???