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Showing posts from February, 2016

Leap for Slayer!

Slayer will be playing The Fillmore tonight for your Leap Day pleasure.  This band is not specifically my bag, but I have mad respect for their longevity, talent and bodacious beard stylings.

Book Pick: Love is a Mix Tape

A not pretentious at all and really fun look at music by a music lover.  I dove in and loved it right away and couldn't believe I hadn't read it years ago!  There are so many things about this book that are instantly relatable, but I must say, the special attention the author pays to the 90's will make me heart him forever.  And it's full of so many quotables: "A whole generation of Southern girls, raised on the promise of Michael Stipe." "I was just one of those graves that pretty girls make." "Our lives were just beginning, our favorite moment was right now, our favorite songs were unwritten." It's almost like Rob knows me.  I hope to see him at the club next time!  But seriously, this book is really about loss.  And I'm guessing when you go through something like that, you tackle it with the knowledge that you have.  In Rob's case, it's with music.  It's a beautiful book that is al

Geoff Tate.......The Man Still Has It

Great show last night!  Geoff's voice sounded great, so whoever is spreading the rumor about lip-synching and backup tracks is a dirty liar!  A true showman, Geoff has always been one to bring witty banter and a little dramatic flair, which I really dig. Played all the songs we wanted to hear and even put a new spin on "Jet City Woman" and "Take Hold of the Flame".  His backing band was great, and they all seemed to be digging on phoning it in here!  I also always love shows at Neighborhood Theatre and like NODA in general.....if you can find a parking place!  A great early start to the weekend and lovely reminders of a time past.  Also, always awesome to see a guy still rocking out, and even HE mentioned that he was pushing 60.  Rock on, Geoff, rock on. (P.S. He did point at me and smile at me.  We locked eyes.  We had our moment.  It was all I dreamed it would be.  Even all these years later.)

Geoff Tate's Operation: Mindcrime in Town Tonight

Geoff Tate's Operation Mindcrime is in town at NODA's Neighborhood Theatre tonight.  As a big fan of the Queensryche concept album in the late 80's and the fact that Queensryche was my first real rock show, I have all kinds of hope that Geoff and these guys won't let me down.......

Netflix Pick: Pollock

A very sad but very beautiful film about the life of the artist.  He wasn't lovable.  He wasn't simple.  The movie is full of great actors and performances, but it will leave you feeling sad.   I also learned there is actually a perfect place for a Tom Waits song (sorry, not a fan) and it's at the end of film like this.  If you love an artistic person, you will be happy for his sobriety.  Trust me.  Oh!  And even with all of his drunk falling-down, Ed is still looking especially foxy in this film.  I don't know why really........but he's always done it for me.  

Geoff Tate: This One's for You

While out driving in the car tonight, E-Roc and I started listening to Queensryche to get psyched up for seeing Geoff Tate this week in Charlotte.  Now I know that Geoff Tate and Queensryche are two different entities, but as Weezer would say, "I don't care 'bout that!"       All I know is that I loved Queensryche back in the day.  They were my first hard-rock, metal show back in 1991 when I was barely 16 years old.  I knew all the guys' names.  I knew all the tunes.  And the funny thing was, as big and cool as they were, I never have really known anyone else besides my husband and me that really liked them.  Oh, well.  Their loss.  They were fucking awesome.    And even though I loved Empire , I was really in love with Operation: Mindcrime .  I think it was the first time my young brain was opened to such interesting ideas about government corruption, mind control, and the seedy underbelly of life: drug use, prostitution, assassination plots. 

Milestone Music Tonight!

Voivod in Town Tonight!

Voivod, the Canadian prog metal band will be at the Neighborhood Theatre in NODA tonight.  My hubs has been a long-time fan, so I am keen to give them a listen too.  See you there!

Netflix Pick: Nebraska

Just as this movie made me glad I had a good mother , this film here made me appreciate my hardworking, sober dad.  This movie is cute and quirky in parts and downright sad in others, but in the end if left with me some feels about my father, my family and happiness for growing up Down South.  Also, made me re-think that crossing-the-Great-Plains trip I've always wanted to make, but that's a story for another time.  

John Mayer: No Such Thing

Well, I never lived the dream of the prom kings And the drama queens I'd like to think the best of me Is still hiding up my sleeve...... (P.S. This is sooooo not the music I usually dig, but I think his lyric sums everything up the day after a birthday, don't you?)

Happy Birthday, Susan B. Anthony!

Valentines, Love & Food & Shit

There are a lot of people who reeeeeaaaaallly don't like Valentine's Day.  I mean people who are single and people who are in relationships don't like it.  I totally get it.  I think it's one of those many holidays that we all put too much pressure on.  New Year's Eve and Halloween are two good ones as well.  There's a lot of pressure to look like you're having the best time possible at the coolest place possible and have the pictures posted to prove it.  I guess at Valentine's Day you're supposed to look like you have the best relationship ever or if you're single, then you're the most well-adjusted about it.  Either way, once again, pressure. Lots of things are considered too vague or esoteric to be quantified.  They involve a certain amount navel-gazing and flights of fancy that most of us don't have time for.  The beauty of a so-called masterpiece hanging in a gallery.  The exact color of the sky right before sunset.  The diner wit

Music in Gastonia Tonight!

People are Taking Notice......

Book Pick: The Fortune Hunter

Set in England's aristocracy in the late 1800's, this book is just my style.  It has political intrigue, liveried footmen, gossiping servants, English country houses, romance, forbidden love and all those rules and mannerisms that would have killed me if I had ever been a part of it!  Not as intellectual as a lot of the historical fiction I usually read, but still culturally and historically on point for its time.  And it has this nugget of wisdom from one wise woman to a younger one:   "Well, at least I have managed to put something in your head other than waltzing and cavalry officers.  Men are all very well, and a good husband can be enormously useful, but women like us need something to do ."   Sometimes even these days it's hard to be a creative and independent woman in this patriarchy.  I can only imagine what it would have been like then.  

Netflix Pick: Run, Fatboy, Run

Since the hubby and I are always a few years behind, this flick from 2007 seemed about our speed.  We both really liked Simon Pegg in Paul and even in Shaun of the Dead (even though that's usually not my kind of movie).  Sadly, this movie is missing Nick Frost.  Sigh.  I guess nothing is really perfect.  But this movie is really fun and sweet and strangely gave my husband what he calls "the feels".  I guess if you create just the right mix of dopey guys who use the word "shithead" a lot with a beautiful curly-haired girls you get some sort of E-Roc perfection concoction.  Heh.  And he thinks I'm hard to understand! 

Dust & Ashes at Tommy's Tonight!

Tour kick-off tonight in Charlotte!  Come see the ladies before they head out on the road!

Today's the Day!

The big day is here!  May I just say, no matter what happens today, the Panthers have certainly given us a great season here in North Carolina.  They have made us proud, made us famous and even made us money!  They've brought a team spirit and shared love that this city can always use.  Of course, I hope they win, but I'm also just happy that they're there. And side note, I just feel very strongly that no matter what the outcome of the game is that tomorrow should be a mandatory school/work day off in Charlotte and surrounding cities.  Can you back me on that?????

Music Tonight in Rock Hill, SC

Netflix Pick: Ex Machina

When you hear about a movie on NPR, you can usually be assured that it's intelligent and insightful, and this one is no exception.  I don't want to give it all away to anyone who might still see it, but I will say this: don't trust robots and don't trust rich eccentrics. 

The Day the Music Died

Groundhog Day!

Have you ever actually seen a groundhog?  They are fat as hell!  And their teeth be huuuuuge!  Just ask this guy .  I'm thinking this guy here would see his shadow everywhere: in the sunlight, moonlight, dim lamplight, and refrigerator light most definitely!  But this year Phil didn't see it which means early Spring.  So I'm gonna lay off his case today and just hope it comes true this year! 

While You're Waiting Around for the Super Bowl......

Sheesh.  That two week wait until the Super Bowl is FOREVER in sports fan time.....especially if your team is going to the big dance!  Of course, you can watch the Pro Bowl but will that really fill all the time?  Probably not.  So your friendly neighborhood blogger has set you up on some awesome football movie recommendations to see you through.  You are welcome. Rudy A true life film about a blue collar kid who just really, really wants to play varsity at Notre Dame.  Men will cry at the end without impunity.  Basically, a modern football classic. Brian's Song A young Billy Dee Williams and James Caan tackle racism and tragedy in this football/friendship/male bonding classic. Another man-can-cry-without-retribution flick. Jerry Maguire A funny and actually moving film about football, family and the true meaning of success.  Ron Tidwell has always made me think of the awesome former Carolina Panther, Steve Smith .  You tell me. Ace Ventura: Pet Detect