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Showing posts from March, 2015

Fun With Memes

Book Pick: Food: A Love Story

This book is so fun and will totally make you hungry!  I love Gaffigan's short chapters because they're like reading blog postings.  I love the way he breaks food choices down by the geography of America with BBQ Foodland, Super Bowl Sunday Foodland, Coffeeland, etc.  I love the way he calls food from the sea bugs and insects.  I love quotes like this: "I thought you only ate bologna when you were 5 years old in the 70's or in prison." This is a totally fun book and perfect when you just want a light read.  I don't even mind his poking fun at vegetarians because, well, some of it is true! 

Netflix Pick: Birdman

This movie is totally weird and completely interesting.  I can see why it got nominated for scads of awards......because the "industry" loves to poke fun at the "industry".  I love to watch a human go through a cathartic process.....especially with humor.  This is definitely a black comedy and has an awesome cast.  The ending was a surprise, but we weren't let down.  Give it a watch!

The Ultimate Turning 40 Milestone: The First Mammogram

When I was a kid, age 40 seemed like such a long way away.  When you were forty, you were really old .  You had to think about life insurance and mortgages and putting kids in braces and all manner of things that really are not fun.  I didn't really know then about how your health changes.  About how you may have to think about wearing readers and how you can't quite, uh bend, like you used to.  I also began thinking about something I had been dreading but knew I needed to do: have my first mammogram procedure. Me, at the start of my fabulous, busy day!   So never being one to keep things simple, I decided it wouldn't be good enough to just go and have a mammogram.  Aw, heeeeelllll, no.  I would schedule my yearly dental cleaning, my yearly pap and my first mammogram.  If I had thrown in a trip to the DMV, it would have been a full day of all awesome things in life! Sisterly advice with a side of salad.   So even though it's not high on my list of favorite

Southern Sunset

  Sleep comes like a drug In God's country Sad eyes, crooked crosses In God's country......   U2

Spring 2015

Netflix Pick: The Thorn Birds

 So of course, I had to watch this since I just finished the book.  I remember it being A VERY BIG DEAL when I was kid, but since I was 8 at the time I wasn't exactly tuning in for the multiple night miniseries.  There is a certain ickiness about this movie due to the subject matter, but it was still so awesome.  It had a real nostalgia for me and made me want to rent more TV movies from the 80's.  ( North and South , I'm looking at you!) With the music, costumes and various old school actors it brought to mind a sexier version of Little House on the Prairie .   And Rachel Ward is just so beautiful in this film.  Those eyes!  I decided while watching that she would be the kind of girl I'd be into if I was into girls.  (Settle down, honey.)  I was also reminded of the complete magnificence that is Richard Chamberlain.  In the book, it is a very big deal how handsome the young priest is.  Luckily, this important caveat is well-captured by the movie.  Smoke it,

Book Pick: The Thorn Birds

This is another one of those books that I should have read a million years ago and just now got around to it during the snowy winter.  And it wasn't a bad book, but let's call a spade a spade, was a romance novel that somehow caught fire back in the day.  I guess it was because of the overarching theme: a priest being in love with a woman and fathering an out-of-wedlock child.  Shocking!  I'm annoyed that it took me nearly 3 weeks to read, and this may have been a romance novel but it was a thick one!  I'm waiting for the miniseries now which I remember being a really big deal when I was a kid.  The story is good.....I like multigenerational tales, but I was creeped out by it on one particular level.  (This book was written in the 70's, so we can't call spoilers now!)  Father Ralph seems to be in love with Meggie from the time that he first meets her....... at age 10 .  Now, the passion may not be consumated or even discussed until years later,

Back Up on That Horse!

Netflix Pick: Lucy

By looking at the trailers, I thought this was some sort of science fiction vigilante flick.  I was not totally wrong, but not very right either.  This is about a woman who's poisoned by drugs placed inside her body against her will but instead of dying becomes.....well.....heightened.  In senses, in memories, in strength......but all due to her increased brain power.  It's a little complicated and hard to explain but well worth the only hour and 20-something minutes you have to give it.  Although violent, also very thinky.  It will stay on your brain for days.

Netflix Pick: Gone Girl

I read this book and then waited a looooong time before seeing the film version, so I felt I knew everything about it.  And happily, the book is every bit as creepy and awesome as the book.  Most everyone I know says they don't like the ending, but strangely, that's part of what makes it so great.  I asked my husband when it was over if he was happy to have a wife that was just this side of crazy.....

The Friendliest Lizard Ever!

I had to hug the dinosaur, hi-five the dinosaur and talk profusely to the dinosaur to get the kid to stand this close to him/her.  I have to say, that was one patient dinosaur!