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Showing posts from July, 2018

Becky's 100 Favorite Movies

(not actual) Reader Question: May I just say for the record that I'm not sure how this blog has never posted a list of favorite movies?  I mean, you've posted favorite books and bands and even songs  but not movies?  What the hey? (actual) Blogger Response:  You're exactly right, fictional reader!  It's gonna be a task for sure....not just the listing, but the ranking.  Sheesh.  I better get started right now! (not actual) Reader Response: You're the best, mysterious lady blogger!  Can't wait to see the list! 100) Titanic 99) Sideways 98) Look Who's Talking 97) Clue 96) Real Genius 94) Rocky 93) The Full Monty 92) Forest Gump 91) Forget Paris 90) Sex and the City 89) The Witches of Eastwick 88) Rudy 87) Shakespeare in Love 86) Castaway 85) Housesitter 84) Ray 83) The Godfather 82) Pee-Wee's Big Adventure 81) Barefoot in the Park 80) Terms of Endearment 79) Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 78) 200 Cigarettes 77) Fargo 76) Good

Book Pick: The 19th Wife

A really good historical fiction read always makes me go and do some further research on my own, and this book was no exception.  And while I could never have the time to really comb the depths of it all, I do feel like I have a greater knowledge of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, The Mormon Church, and Utah.  I do still have a lot of questions about the so-called holy underwear though. Ebershoff, who also wrote the beautiful, The Danish Girl , has a lovely way of storytelling and the interweaving of past and present was riveting.  I think most of us "Gentiles" are amazed at how any religion could so control its followers.  Is it a cult?  Aren't all religions on some level?  Is polygamy just about sex and procreation or is it much bigger?  And when religion seems to rule the regional vicinity, is there any other law?  These are only a few of the questions proposed by The 19th Wife.  Which, the name alone, is tricky.  How many wives do polygamists actually have?  Nob

Culture Club, B-52's, Thompson Twins Tonight in Charlotte

And my childhood will come out to play.....

Caps for Sale

Had to explain the plot and the joy of Caps for Sale to some coworkers today.  And I realized, not for the first time, how being a mother has made me a better person.....

Indigo Girls in Charlotte July 13th

Friday the 13th

When the 10's Look Like the 80's

I made a long overdue realization today.  Of course, it looks like the world is falling in.  Of course, it all looks desperate.  We never had a magnifying glass like the Internet before to show us just how bad it is.  Network news?  Please.  Dan Rather was in combat situations in Vietnam.  Many reporters have been embedded with troops in various parts of the Middle East since 9/11.  But the Internet shows all the gritty truth: angry disenfranchisement, angry privilege, angry youth, anger everywhere. And god knows I don't want to hurt the feelings of the younger generation.  They're so sensitive.  I was once too.  But I think many of them were either too young or not born to remember the Reagan Administration or even the Bush I and Bush II Administrations.  Those were real times too, people.  Scary times.  It wasn't that bad then, you say.  Oh, I don't know about that.  There was war, there was poverty, there was the discovery of a disease called AIDS and a drug called

Don't Try This at Home

Why, yes!  I will take a scoop of Becky to go!


Sunpportunity: an opportunity for unexpected sun and tanning. Examples: I didn't expect this soccer game to be such a sunpportunity for me! This outdoor wedding is a real sunpportunity in a sleeveless dress! I'll just wait here for the offers from Coppertone and Hawaiian Tropic to start rolling in. What?  They've already stolen it, trademarked it and sold it? I'm such a dumbass.  This is why I'll forever be poor.   Sigh.

Jim Morrison, July 3 1971

The grand highway is crowded w/ lovers & searchers & leavers so eager to please & forget. Wilderness. Where'd you learn about   Satan - out of a book Love? - out of a box   Poet of the call-girl storm She left a note on the bedroom door. "If I'm out, bring me to."  I am troubled Immeasurably By your eyes I am struck By the feather of your soft Reply The sound of glass Speaks quick Disdain And conceals What your eyes fight To explain