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Showing posts from May, 2015

Netflix Pick: Take This Waltz

You know me and Seth Rogan, right?  Well, it's a damn good thing that relationship is built on years of one-sided love because I'm not sure too many more movies like this could keep it going. This film was described as an "unflashy romantic drama" on the sleeve.  Unflashy is right.  Slow-moving to the point of sadness might be a better description.  Actually a better description might be "young confused married woman with obvious missed diagnoses of various mental illnesses can't decide between 2 men and will annoy the piss out of you before it's all over".  Sorry, Michelle.  Seth, get your shit together.

Mad Men Finale Tonight.......What I Learned from Mad Men

Okay, I gotta be honest here.  I wasn't interested in Mad Men at first.   It seemed like a "man's show" to me.  And not just any man's show.  The kind of show that the kind of men that I don't like would watch.  (My first husband watched it.)    But then something happened that sparked my interest, I don't remember what, and I was hooked.  And I have to be even more honest.  I don't think it has always been awesome.  This last season especially has really been a drag.  But I have faith in Matt Weiner that he won't let us down and will really pull this out big time tonight.  And despite all of my bitchy criticism, I must admit it has been one of the best shows on television in my lifetime.  That and The Sopranos .  (No small coincidence there.)      So here I go with the list of things I learned from Mad Men:       Rich, creative white guys sit alone and think an awful lot.     It was hard being a strong wom

R.I.P. B.B. King

I've been downhearted baby, ever since the day we met.   R.I.P.   B.B. King 

Why This Would Be a Dream Come True.....

Because the idea that Sir Paul would come up and sit in with a local band and play skads of The Beatles songbook, is pretty much a fantasy of many weird people like me.   And because I have actually (no kidding) daydreamed about randomly meeting him on the street.  And if my child was with me, so much the better.

Netflix Pick: The Interview

It's hard to believe this movie had so much hype and controversy just a few short months ago, since you never hear a word about it now!  But if you want to go ahead and run the gauntlet against North Korea, this movie is well worth it.  It is funny as hay-ell.  Seriously.  The hubs and I laughed our asses off!  It is completely irreverant and full of disgusting sayings that are already memes, but hey, isn't that what you signed up for?  The comic partnership of Rogan and Franco is at it's best, but James Franco really is the awesomest of sauces here.  Destined to be dirty joke classic for the ages.

Motherly Advice

    "Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid."   Johan Wolfgang von Goethe   &   William's mom     

More Than a.......Wait.....Whut?

I'm always unsure how to feel when great songs of the past get featured on television commercials.  Is it a way to keep the classics going and expose them to a younger audience or just another great sell-out and obvious cheapening of anything that was once awesome? More Than a Feeling hawking condoms. Weight Watchers using Another Bites the Dust every time you drop pounds. I know a lot of newer bands have done this, The Black Keys and Wilco are most prominent in my mind.  And oddly, I don't mind that.  It gave exposure to bands that not many had heard of yet.  But these old songs used to sell things.....I just don't know.  Especially when the guys singing them aren't around anymore to have any say in it.  I'm just a little skeptical.  Sorry, Trojan!

May the 4th: Star Wars Day

You can make fun all you'd like, but honestly, it's not as if there's a "may the odds be ever in your favor" day.  Just sayin'.

Big Boy Bed

Remember when your child was a toddler and you kept telling him you were going to move him into a "big boy bed"?  It was so exciting!  For him and you!  No more crib!  And even though you were sad as you felt like you were losing your baby, the prospects of what was to come and the thrill of your growing child was enough to keep the anxiety at bay.  For the most part.   Well.....that was then. I had been saying for a few years now that when Little Boy turned 13 I was going to redecorate his room and move him into a bigger bed.  So here we are, right at the cusp of that birthday, I still wasn't ready to face it.  Not the moving.  Not the purchasing.  And really, not the birthday.  But on Saturday morning, without warning to him or myself, I jumped and got started on renovating the room.  Little Boy has taken it well and has actually been happy playing in the new room and even enjoyed sleeping on his mattress lying flat on the floor last night.  He has becom

Netflix Pick: Interstellar

It's not like I need much convincing to watch a movie with my man, Matt. But I also felt like this was a movie E-Roc and I could both enjoy being that it's about space and all.  (You know how all the mens just lurve movies about space!) But I must say, we both lurved it. How can I describe this exactly being as complex as it is?  It's a little bit Contact with the father-daughter relationship.  It's a little bit Looper with the time travel.  It's a little bit Inception with the what-world-are-we-in-exactly? bit.  A friend of mine also described it as "a modern, better 2001 ".  And then of course it's also a combination of every good space movie ever: Apollo 13 , Space Cowboys , The Right Stuff , and on and on and on.  I know several people have said they were very moved by this film, and I know exactly why.  There were several moments when I was close to tears and by the end I just let it all go.  And I don't even mean that part whe