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Showing posts from May, 2014

R.I.P. Maya Angelou

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size But when I start to tell them, They think I'm telling lies. I say, It's in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees. I say, It's the fire in my eyes, And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, And the joy in my feet. I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me. Men themselves have wondered What they see in me. They try so much But they can't touch My inner mystery. When I try to show them They say they still can't see. I say, It's in the arch of my back, The sun of my smile, The ride of my breasts,

Memorial Day Weekend: Easy Peazy Beautiful

Memorial Day weekend came and went without swimming as our private pool was a bit too cold.  However, Little Boy found plenty of things he loves......   Little Boy hearts lunch at what he calls "restraunk Japanese".    Little Boy exclaims "mat" and immediately lies down on new outdoor rug.       Little Boy loves his early bday gift, Scout.  Even though he is probably too old for it, he is in love with any plush animal programmed to say his name.       Little Boy so enjoys the front porch as a place to gawk at the neighbors.      And I heart the quilt made from Little Boy's baby time t-shirts made by his Nana years ago that I got from Little Boy's dad this weekend.  This is a shared relic, but I was glad to receive a good many of Little Boy's baby souvenirs that have just come out of storage.  I'm not terribly sentimental about "stuff" but receiving those things did my heart a lot of good

Book Pick: Water for Elephants

This was a perfect quick and easy read for the long holiday weekend.  Set during the Great Depression and Prohibition this story follows a young vet school drop-out who accidentally falls into working for a travelling circus and falling for the wrong woman.  I like the way it was told from the perspective of the aged man over 70 years later.  Nothing gives you perspective like a lifetime of looking back.  I doubt I'll see the movie version as the cast is straight out of my "most annoying actors/actresses out our time" list, but I give the book a solid recommendation. 

I Hearts DJ Lance

Finally!  Something Little Boy actually wants for his birthday! 

Netflix Pick: The Best Man Holiday

My loving husband accuses me of choosing movies specifically to make me cry.  I'm glad he wasn't home for this one because he would have had a case.  I'm sorry for all you that loved it, but I did not.  This movie was a Big Downer.  Capital B.  Capital D.  It had none of the fun of the first movie.  Not even some fine-ass mans like Morris Chestnut could fix this raggely-ass shit.  (Couldn't help it.) Lance's anger was aggravating.  Harper's arrogance was annoying.  And Mia, as the long-suffering loved by all Mother Mary?  Spoiler alert, but that story was cloying even when it was Melanie Hamilton.  (Google it.  I'm not spending time on hyperlinks after I just spent 2 hours and 4 minutes of my life on this.)  The only character I enjoyed was Quention.  Hell, even Jordan bugged me.  Watch it if you want to cry.  Have some guilt to get off your conscience.  Or believe in miracles like a football player delivering a breech baby in the back of a speeding SUV. 

Netflix Pick: Price Check

You know how much we love an Indie! But not this one.  Even the always insane but lovable Parker Posey couldn't save this flat, heavy-on-business-speak, underdeveloped story of work and home crisis.  Was it meant to be funny or just kinda sad?  I'm not sure, but I we didn't dig it.

The Rainbow of Mothers

Mother's Day may have been created by Hallmark, but it's still a great day to celebrate the many different kinds of mothers that exist in so many of our worlds.  I like to think of it as a true women's holiday above all, so I'd like to send out my wishes to all the many mothers out there that I have known and even been at times...... Happy Mother's Day to the new mom.  You doubt yourself every day and you never knew you could be so tired.  You also never knew you could be so in love.  Don't be afraid to ask for help and admit when you just don't know.  And one day, believe it or not, you'll be one of the old hats doling out advice! And to the expectant mom.  You literally carry the future and promise of tomorrow, and we all look to you with renewed optimism.  We love to pamper you, give you advice and reminisce about our own time with pregnancy.  Enjoy this brief moment as scary and uncomfortable as it may be at times.  You will look back on it with

Modest Mouse at Fillmore May 9th

Second concert of the week (wha???) and it was a good show.  I may just be putting to bed my bucket list of bands.  But what I realize about what makes a great show is the company.  And luckily, I don't have to go all the way to the Fillmore for that!

Fave Lyrics: Modest Mouse Edition

Just in time for one of my bucket list concerts tonight, I felt I must feature some great lyrics by the awesome Modest Mouse.  I can't think of too many bands of the moment that have better and more interesting song writing...... I'm trying to drink away the part of the day That I cannot sleep away (Polar Opposites) You missed when time and life shook hands and said goodbye. When the earth folded in on itself.  And said good luck. (Ocean Breathes Salty) We kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves (Dramamine) The more we move ahead the more we're stuck in rewind (Ocean Breathes Salty) You're the good things yeah that's you... You're the icing on the cake on the table at my wake You're the extra ton of cash on my sinking life raft You're the loud sound of fun when I'm trying to sleep You're the flowers in my house when my allergies come out You're the good things... (You're the Good Things) Well, a fake Jam

Rare Beauty

Lake James State Park  May 2014

Mogwai in Charlotte May 6th at Amos' Southend

When a Scottish band comes all the way to America to make only a few stops over the course of one month, if you have them anywhere on your chosen device, you needs to GO! This was how my hubby and I felt when we heard about Mogwai playing at Amos' Southend in Charlotte.  So we pulled it together for a rare middle of the week show in the Uptown.   And it was loud.  Very loud.  But I didn't use my earplugs even though I saw plenty of people using them.  It was a real sensory treat with all the lights and how overwhelming the music felt and sounded at times.  And to look at the fans around us, I was only more convinced that Mogwai is nerdy people scrumpin music.  Draw your own conclusions.  I had never seen a show like this before, and I was glad I gave it a chance.  We kept talking about how it felt like the music of the future and wondered if we ever imagined something like that existing as children.  I left with my ears ringing and a feeling of experiencing somet

Book Pick: Fear of Flying

I can't believe it took me nearly 40 years to read a book that was published before I was even born!  But that's okay.  I dare say I wouldn't have appreciated this when I was in my twenties or especially before marriage and divorce.  I've had a vague idea my whole life of what this book was about, but I never knew how funny and insightful it was.  I also didn't know that it is about soooo much more than sex.  My favorite line was when Adrian told Isadora she shouldn't expect her life to be uncomplicated when she was, after all, "a poet not a secretary".  Truer words, my friend, truer words.  I also enjoyed the notes accompanying the book from Erica Jong thirty years later and Henry Miller's interpretations.  When Jong said it was a book read by "people who didn't read" I thought of another controversial and recent "sex" book: 50 Shades of Grey .  Now, you should already know that I think lumping these 2 books together is

Netflix Pick: Hyde Park on Hudson

If a movie can't pull me in after 30 minutes of my dedicated attention, it is gonna get the boot.  This was one of those times.  Sorry, FDR......

May the Fourth Be With You

Just in time for Star Wars Day, I ordered Little Boy this fantastic talking Yoda for his upcoming 12th birthday.  E-Roc and I were only DREAMING that in all his repetitions, Little Boy would start talking like Yoda.  Make it so!  (Ooops....that's another franchise!)  But then I get the little cretin, and it is a sad representation of how great a talking Yoda should be.  Oh, well, Yoda is sent back to his hovel and I go in search of another.  Luck you wish me, you should. Oh, and May the Force be With You!

Netflix Pick: Gravity

This film is a lot less about space and a lot more about perseverance.  I don't think I've ever rooted so hard for a character before.  Although I did tell E-Roc you could easily make a drinking game out of the number of times she says "no, no, no!" in quick succession.  This is a high-intensity flick that flies by fast but so worth it!