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Showing posts from August, 2011

Another Way to Waste My Time

David Arquette? This guy seems like he should ALWAYS have a camera following him around! If only his famous sisters and brother would come watch a few episodes! I hope Chaz Bono is as charismatic and sexy as his mom and late dad! And Nancy Grace? C'mon! Can we say image make-over? I am all for it! Although I never watch a complete season of DWTS, I always catch the first night introductions. With this cast, this might be a season worth sticking around for......

Next Time, Use a Hatchet!

"Do you know that anything being wrong with your big toe messes up everything? I cut my toenail too short and it hurts like a sonofabitch!" (My coworker, Jen-Nay, making me laugh the biggest hoot I can remember in a while and making her second but certainly not last appearance on "The Funny Things You Say".)

Tuesday Mornin.......Thinking 'Bout Poverty

I hadn't planned to write about poverty this morning until I read this piece by my friend which lead me to this piece by a guy I don't know but who seems pretty damn savvy. It got me to thinking about parts of my childhood that I don't like to think about now, parts of my adulthood that I'm still ashamed of and parts of my adulthood that I'm still trying to get through. When I was in college, I remember learning about conditional poverty . That's basically a situation in which you feel poor, but you're really not. Like not having enough change to do laundry but having 2 bucks you can spend on a burrito. Or not having the money to buy your expensive new psychology textbook but knowing you can always call home if you need to. I feel embarrassed and fortunate about the many levels of poverty I've experienced over my life. It would be enough to make a writer like John Scalzi say "give me a break" and possibly Barbara Ehrenreich to

Friday Morning Jam

4th Grade Begins

Little Boy gets bigger and bigger.......

Teresa: Somebody's Duck Mother

Be kind to your web-footed friends, For a duck may be somebody's mother...... Yesterday I had kind of a difficult day. I was very tired from the concert the night before, but I still had a lot to do at work as Monday is my busiest day of the week. I had some errands to run after work and things to get done before I had to run all the way to another county for Little Boy's orientation at his new school. I had a lot of stress on my mind from various sources and was just hoping I could get through all I had to do, so I could call it an early night around 9:30 and catch up on some sleep. And then something happened. I had one of those you-had-better-slow-down-because-life-can-change-in-an-instant kind of experiences. On the way to my errands after work, I witnessed a car accident. During the next twenty or so minutes, I learned a few things about myself and life in general. 1) I know now why witnesses to accidents are so unreliable. I saw the accident happe

Apply It, Label It, Paint It Any Color You'd Like

Narcissism is a term with a wide range of meanings, depending on whether it is used to describe a central concept of psychoanalytic theory , a mental illness , a social or cultural problem, or simply a personality trait . Except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love , "narcissism" usually is used to describe some kind of problem in a person or group's relationships with self and others. In everyday speech, "narcissism" often means inflated self-importance, egotism , vanity , conceit , or simple selfishness . Applied to a social group , it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others. In psychology , the term is used to describe both normal self-love and unhealthy self-absorption due to a disturbance in the sense of self. From Wikipedia

Weekend Rewind......

The weekend was a good one, full of successes, deep thinking and a few let-downs......but such is life, wouldn't you say? In the success department, Little Boy was so happy and good this weekend. Parent readers out there know that your kids' behavior can make or break your 2-3 days at home together, so this was a good one for us. (Only one small meltdown over the wrong television show coming on at the appointed time, and I won't hold that against him.) Otherwise, he was friendly and courteous to folks on our weekly Nature Trail walk, tried new foods, slept well and handled well the fact that the apartment was full of boxes and that his room gets more and more bare every week. And in another success, I got more packing done and very nearly have that apartment whipped up and tied down! Just give us our closing date, and we are out the door! Deep thinking occurred at the much-anticipated concert last night. I was happy to see and sing along with Jack, but I have t

Sunday! Sunday! Sundaaaaaay!!!!!

Totally screaming this at the top of my lungs with Jack. Totally.


Pretty much everyone's favorite, right? One more day.....

Hot Blooded! Tell Me What You Think About This Dreeeesssss???

Not my favorite song or the favorite band that we're seeing, but it will still be fun for the dumb inside joke that E-Roc and I have for this song. I won't try to explain. You won't get it.

Girl Can't Help It.....Can She?

Getting super-psyched for Sunday! This isn't a song lots of people consider a favorite by Journey, but I always liked it! E-Roc and I are also looking forward to a fun night with old friends, people-watching and overpriced beers.......yay!!!

Jack, After All These Years......

So excited for summer concert this week! I have seen Journey more than once, and they have never disappointed, but this will be my first time seeing my FIRST FAVORITE BAND! I don't know what made me love Night Ranger back in the day, but did I ever! I didn't understand heavy rotation then, but I was always thrilled that "When You Close Your Eyes" got played on MTV every day after school. (Oh, MTV.....) And of course, I'm looking forward to seeing my first rock star crush, Jack Blades. So looking forward to spending a fun night with my man, maybe hooking up with some old friends, and generally reliving some good old times with music I cranked from my tiny little cassette player....."Sister Christian"........"Separate Ways"........"Lights".........."You Can Still Rock in America"..........and maybe even "Hot Blooded"??? (Yes, we're seeing Journey, Night Ranger and Foreigner for anyone who couldn't g

The Return of the Boy!

So glad to have my boy back from camp!

Happy Birthday, MTV!

E-Roc and I spent pretty much the whole weekend watching the 30 years retrospective clips of MTV on VH1 Classic. What a stroll down memory lane! I had forgotten about half of all the great shows, award moments, live performances, promos, contests.....not to mention, the videos! It was so fun reliving the old times and kept me from thinking too hard about my Baby Boy going off to sleep-away camp for the first time, let me tell ya. And I realized many times over the weekend and even on the drive to work this morning, how much my musical mind has been shaped by MTV. I heard "Beds Are Burning" on the drive-in, and I could see in my head that guy from Midnight Oil doing his weird little dance out there on the Australian Outback. Flipped the channel and could visualize Slash out there shredding it up by that little church in "November Rain". Good or bad, for a lot of the music in my head, I think and hear in videos. I also can track back many of my cultural touchst