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Showing posts from June, 2010

Life is, in Fact, Good? Heh.

Me, hugging a horse at a local watering hole a few months back. Only truly happy people can do such thing in public. I had plans yesterday with a dear old friend that I had to break. I felt awful about it because I just don't get to spend enough time with her, and I was looking forward to catching up with her and spending time getting to know her son. But my lost endeavor taught me a few important lessons yesterday........ 1) Always follow your doctor's directions even when you've started to feel better. He has the medical degree, not you. If what he said was right 3 months ago, it still holds up today. Your bravado decisions based in dumbassery will catch up with you. (and by you, I really mean ME!) 2) Being a working mom has left me so much less time for spending time with people I care about, and I so hate that. It has also left me less time to do those "small" things I used to do for others like phone calls and regular correspondence. I have so much more res

The Worst Kind of DIYing

I have always envied the people I know who are crafty. I have tried to emulate that skill, but I just can't seem to do it. But I keep trying. Just a few months ago, I completed and framed a paint-by-numbers print that I worked on for about 3 months. My sister acted very impressed by it. I appreciate her compliments even if she's just humoring me. The frame I put it in cost more than the painting kit. How sad is that? Oh, and I make way more craptastic crap than that. I have been annoyed for some time by my cruddy living room curtains, so this past week I went on a complete redux. Yes, I cut them. And yes, I sewed buttons to the unhemmed edges for a funky, bohemian appearance to my already funky room. I blame the Woody Guthrie program and it's emphasis on the Great Depression and Dust Bowl periods that I was watching at the time. I guess I was trying to "use it up, wear it out......" does the rest of that phrase go? Eric thinks they are fun and quirky an

The Nanny Diaries Part II

I am happy to report that summer life with Nanny seems to be going well so far for Little Boy. And that means it's going well for Mommy too. I can tell that things are good when I go to pick Little Boy up at his dad's and I can see that he is calm, the house is calm and Nanny is calm. I have always been able to tell what kind of day my child has had just by how he behaves when I get him home with me.....whether he can tell me or not. It also seems that it's good for Little Boy to spend time with someone other than his dad or me from time to time. I'm never jealous when I see Little Boy bonding with someone who I can see cares about him. So with all that considered, I think this summer time spent with Nanny is gonna be good for him and me!

The Nanny Diaries Part I

Today is my son's first day with his summer nanny. It is his first year with a nanny....ever. Mommy is a little nervous. But as you can see by this pic we took back when he was getting to know Nanny in the spring, it's all cool with him. If he could verbalize this, I think he'd be saying "yeah....this is my Nanny....she's my's all good....." It's a little bit harder for Mommy, but I'm getting there. This past year has brought a lot of change for me and my boy. I think he has handled it better than me, and I'm proud of him. People around me involved with my son's education and care are constantly telling me to let him grow up, gain independence, etc. I know they're right, but it's still tough. I don't know if I'd be as overprotective if not for the autism, but then again, I won't ever really know. The point is, we're trying. Me. Little Boy. And now Nanny. I hope we all do good.

Infinite Arms

My 8 year-old son has rocking-ass good taste in music. I take a lot of credit for that just in simply exposing him to it, but he knows immediately what he likes. We got the new Band of Horses CD "Infinite Arms" over the weekend, and he immediately took to "Laredo". Check out this clip of them singing it on Letterman about a month ago. He stood by the I-Pod dock and intently listened and wanted me to play it twice in a row. If you like that, go back and listen to a little bit of the stuff from their two earlier albums. If you only just now get into them, you're still getting in on the ground floor.