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Showing posts from November, 2018

Netflix Pick: 6 Years

First of all, the Duplass brothers want to kill you with your own tears.  So there's that.  And second, they make you look at things that sometimes you would just rather not.  But you look anyway. I didn't think anything could break my heart like Blue Jay , and this one didn't......well.....not exactly. 6 Years was hard to watch.  Hard to watch those kids drink so much and hurt each other so much and then start a new day and do it all over again. It made me think about choices and manipulation and how much of ourselves are tied into the persons we love.....and how bad that can be sometimes. I couldn't watch it and not think of my college sweetheart and my high school sweetheart and know that I married the right one.  I couldn't watch it and not think of some things I would have done differently.  And I couldn't watch it and not realize that things never quite change, not really, from generation to generation.  And that is both a sad and comforting fact

Book Pick: Romeo and/or Juliet

This is a really fun read that I spent a few happy lunch breaks with.  It will make you have more doubt than ever before about the so-called greatest love story of all time, AND make you want to watch the Claire Danes/Leonardo version on Google Play.  Or maybe even Shakespeare in Love .  You decide. And it probably would be pretty fun for a teenager that knows the difference between this book and the for realz Shakespeare version.  JS.  If they don't, I'd be afraid they'd be all kinds of confused and would flunk that lit exam pretty hard.  Again, JS. 

Book Pick: The Risen

There are many, many North Carolina writers particularly in the Blue Ridge area.  But I think very few have the ability to capture small-town mystery and monotony like Ron Rash.  This novel will spark every rural memory you ever had if you grew up in a small town: the drowsy creek, the uptight Sunday dinners, the guilt of not wanting to go to church, the hope of escape.  And then the inevitable sadness of never managing to do it. Ron Rash has such a way with weaving reality into fiction that I almost cannot stomach his books at times like The Cove and Above the Waterfall .  Serena taught me a lot of history , but unfortunately the movie left me flat. But Ron knows how to tell a story.  How he manages to make Sylva, NC both beautiful and scary I just can't really say.  But he is definitely a North Carolina treasure.  I realize it more and more with every book I finish. 

Fall Beard Season is Coming.....

Movie Pick: Bohemian Rhapsody

Reasons to see the new theatrical release, Bohemian Rhapsody: You love the band Queen.  They are a part of your childhood and/or rock mythos.  You miss the grandeur of early arena rock gods.  You miss the idea of the larger-than-life lead singer.  You love the music of Queen.  You flipped out the first time you heard "Bohemian Rhapsody".  Then you flipped again when you heard "Bicycle".  You love performances that are true to life, true to look and true to history.  If you remember Live Aid, you will be amazed at how close this acted portrayal is to the historic and triumphant performance by Queen at the event in 1985.  And then to realize what a moment it was for Freddie and for the band has he approached the last 6 years of his short life.  You still miss Freddie.  You remember when he died.  You may cry as you watch Rami Malek portray him with such honesty and loyalty and be sad all over again in realizing that he's still gone. 

It's Funny Cuz It's True!