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Showing posts from July, 2017

RIP Sam Shepard

Sam Shepard was my type before I knew what it meant to have "a type".  As a child of the 80's, he was a big part of it.

Still a Fan

Fave Movie Lines: High Fidelity

Friday Vibe

My Fave Barbie

Barbie Golden Dream 1981 My first and most memorable Barbie. This post relates to absolutely nothing going on in the world today other than trying to keep it light and enjoy the summer.  Do the same!

The Lore & Lure of America's Front Porch

Confession: I am a front porch sitter.  When I was a kid I loved sitting on the front porch at my parents' house and sometimes on the swing in the front yard.  I also loved sitting on the front porch in my Uncle Jay's neighborhood in the old Flint Groves mill village.  Mill villages are a great place to see a lot of people walking and driving through.  Rural country roads see a lot of interesting people too.  The suburbs.....not so may see some fitness or pet walkers but not much of what I'd consider "interesting".  But the porch sitting is still pretty fantastic.  The Droid likes sitting out on the porch too.  If the weather is fair, it is usually where we will sit and wait for any guests.  When they arrive, they're always surprised......are we late?  No, we just like to sit out here and look for you.  The Droid is always disappointed when the weather makes us wait inside.  He is my one man greeting committee. This time of year in the S

Book Pick: Prairie Tale

Hollywood Treasure and America's Sweetheart....Melissa Gilbert is one of those actresses that kind of transcended the screen and became a part of the culture.  While her book came out in 2009 and she's had some life changes since then, it is still a moving and honest picture of the life of a woman who we all feel like we know.  For starters, who didn't love Half Pint?  I watched Little House every day after school and felt certain that Laura Ingalls and I would have been good this century, of course.....I don't think I could have worked with an outhouse.  The dirt on her costars was fun and her love of Michael Landon was apparent.  Her lack of love for Melissa Sue Anderson made me laugh though....I think I knew it all along! And after all those tenny bopper rags my mom bought me at the grocery store, how did I never know that she and Rob Lowe dated on and off for years?  And were engaged?  To be fair, they were just a little older than  m

Netflix Pick: GLOW

Talk about female empowerment!  I'm sorry but this current Netflix show trumps Wonder Woman any day of the week and twice on Sunday.  It's got rivalry, friendship, caterpillars becoming butterflies and a killer 80's soundtrack!  For those of us old enough to remember the original GLOW series, I think this dramatic and comedic re-telling really does it justice.  You glow, girls!

In Which I Try to Explain My Love of The Beatles

My husband recently posted this pic to my Facebook page, and it inspired all manner of comments.  Mostly negative.  I have to be honest.....I don't get it.  I get why you may not like Sonic Youth (too weird) or Slayer (too devily) or Metallica (too loud/not cool anymore).  And while I hate it when peeps say "I like all music except rap and country" I get it because they're basically saying they can't veer too far out of their own safe culture. (Which is too bad really because both KRS-One and Garth Brooks have something for all y'all.)  But The Beatles?  How can one claim to not like The Beatles?  Okay, so maybe you don't listen to them like I do (daily), but do you mean to really tell me that you don't like not one single song of theirs?  I mean, c'mon, there are literally hundreds to choose from ! So if you intend on staying stuck in your anti-Beatles stance, won't you at least indulge me in telling you why they are about th

Movie Pick: Wonder Woman

Confession: I didn't dig this movie the way everyone said I would.  I left before it was over.  I thought it was boring.  For the all female empowerment it touted, it looked to me like Diana was still a woman being told what to do.  I did like the World War I tie-in.....I have always been oddly enthralled by The Great War .  Summer blockbusters typically aren't made for peeps like me, and this one was no exception.  Sorry, ladies. 


Against the day of sorrow Lay by some trifling thing A smile, a kiss, a flower For sweet remembering. Then when the day is darkest Without one rift of blue Take out your little trifle And dream your dream anew. (Georgia Douglas Johnson) Lexington Avenue, Asheville NC June 2017