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Showing posts from February, 2017

Book Pick: Beautiful Losers

I hate when I have to admit that a book was hard to read because it makes me feel like a dummy.  But this one was and it kinda did.  I'll also admit that I jumped on the Leonard Cohen bandwagon when he died in the sense that I wanted to learn more about him.  I think I should've simply chosen a well-researched biography.  I've always been a fan of his music, and because of that, I knew this early novel would probably have some certain weirdness to it.  And I was right.  Overtly sexual (and not in a sexy way) and stream of consciousness writing (and yes in the Jack Kerouac way) are just not typically my bag when it comes to novels.  His way with words though, just like in his music, still has a true beauty....even when describing something grotesque.  How he managed that, I'll never know, but I guess that's why he will forever be embodied as a poet of our times.  

Comedy Tonight at Petra's!

I can tell you from personal experience that Jenn Snyder is a pure delight.  Check her and these other peeps out tonight!

The Hardworking Southern Peach Farmer vs. Early-Spring Enthusiasts

The Hardworking Southern Peach Farmer vs. Early-Spring Enthusiasts: A Crisis of Conscience and Fruit (AKA: The Essay Not GOOD ENOUGH for McSweeney's )   Recently across the Carolinas, we’ve experienced a spate of warm, spring-like weather.   This occurrence isn’t uncommon for this fairly mild winter area, but it still brings the joy of surprise every year.   There’s nothing quite like the joy of wearing flip-flops in February!   However, not everyone revels in the mirth of the early spring.   Especially farmers.   Particularly peach farmers.   Being that I have the rare opportunity to consult and talk with peach farmers on a regular basis (quite the coup, I know) I’ve come to expect just what they’ll say in the course of a typically mundane discussion about weather:   Me: How ‘bout this weather we’re having?   Pretty mild for February, huh?   Peach Farmer: Sure is.   Not good for the peaches though, I’ll tell you what.   This discussion, while ending benevolently

Memes for Book Lovers!

Fave Book Quotes: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

" To the table or to bed, you must come when you are bid."

Book Pick: Porcelain

While I have never been a fan of electronic music, I'll be damned if this memoir didn't make me a fan of Moby.  Here's a guy I just couldn't help but like, even when I disagreed with his choices and philosophies......and I've learned over many memoirs that is usually not the case.  Here's a guy who grew up poor in Connecticut with a hippie mom who then later squatted in an abandoned industrial building learning his craft while crack addicts died just outside his window.  Here's a guy who dreamed of NYC as his "dirty Mecca" and began DJing anywhere he could get a gig.....even at sexual fetish parties and nearly empty basement clubs.  Here's a guy who as a young Christian admitted that he liked to make the other richer Christian kids feel guilty about their circumstances.  Here's a guy who later began to question his beliefs and then lived a life of complete debauchery of alcoholism and strippers after his mother died.  Here's a

Advice....Found on the Street

Netflix Pick: Santa Clarita Diet

Even though it's gross in some parts (okay, really gross in some parts) you can't deny how fun and funny this new show is.  Drew Barrymore is her typical adorable self and Timothy Olyphant is cute as a button too.  Their chemistry is fantastic and the comedy is stellar....seriously I laughed out loud more than once.  While the subject matter is dark (very dark, actually) it's just hard not to appreciate such a nice little couple getting ballsy.  (Oh, and there's a joke there too!) 

Netflix Pick: The Punk Singer

I was never a Riot Grrrl .  Even though I came of age in the 90's.  Even though I consider myself a Feminist.  Even though I like all variations of rock including punk and grunge.  I have always been more of an Indigo Girls feminist than a Bikini Kill feminist.  (There's a big difference, believe me.) So since I'm somewhere between riot grrrl and quiet girl, I missed out on learning about Kathleen Hanna.  This film filled in the blanks.  She was and is an inspiring figure.  I love her "girls to the front" attitude.  But she also wore me out a little bit.  However, I look around and think a role model like her would be awesome right now because it doesn't really look like there is one for this generation.  Of course, I'm smart enough to know there probably is one out there in the underground that I don't know about.  I think I actually know a few in the local underground scene.  At any rate, empowerment is never a bad idea so big snaps to Kathlee

David Childers Tonight at Riverview Raw Bar

River View Raw Bar 10012 Moores Chapel Loop Charlotte 8 pm

Don't Take That Abuse, Phil!