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Showing posts from August, 2016

Music Tonight at The Milestone!

The Foxfires with Bitch 'n' Dudes, The Kominas, Lara Americo and The Cocker Spaniels. 

Keep It Moving

a new baby's born an old man dies you cry, you sigh, you die a little inside you keep it moving because you have to you quarrel you fight you tell little and big lies you hold it all in until the night you keep it moving because you have to you push you pull you fight to stay alive lie to your mother that everything is fine you keep it moving because you have to you sell the dream fill the need hide behind the walls where no one can see you keep it moving because you have to your eyes crawl on me think you're being discreet trying so hard to see what's underneath you keep it moving because you have to you shrug you laugh put the past in the past pretend it's alright when it's really a mess you keep it moving because you have to


Awesome Line-Up Tonight at Petra's!

I've got a personal "thang" for The Business People.

Music Tonight at The Station!

Move, Move, Move

move, move, move move the earth with your big machine move the ground underneath our feet move the money up and down the tree move the sands across the beach move the people away from belief move, move, move move the tyrants from their disease move the garbage across the street move the sails in the breeze move the tombs out of reach move the languid as they please move, move, move

Netflix Pick: The Lobster

The synopsis for this movie reads: "In a dystopian society, single people must find a mate within 45 days or be transformed into an animal of their choice." I don't want to tell you much more than that because part of the journey of this film is trying to figure it out for yourself.  I will say that this is one of those movies that makes you think and stays with you.  And every time I see a future-set, dystopian film I always ask myself if it could really happen?  I think in most cases, even though we don't like to think about it, it very probably could.  

Charlotte Pride This Weekend!

Events in Uptown Charlotte August 20-21 : parade, vending, music, entertainment, advocacy, family zone, youth zone, college fair, HIV info, and much more.  And one of my fave Charlotte bands, Dust and Ashes will be playing the Wells Fargo main stage at 3:45 on Saturday. 

Music at The Visulite Tonight!

Current Movie Pick: Sausage Party

In today's world of fears, prejudice and political correctivity, maybe the only way to discuss the complex social issues of race, religion and sexuality are through the characters of horny and dysfunctional supermarket foods.  Or maybe it's just a funny way to really check out from all the horrors of today's world.  Either way it wasn't a bad way to spend the evening and had some pretty good LOL moments.  Word of warning, you'll never look at hot dogs and buns the same again.  

Bear Wednesday: Famous Bears

Still one of my kid's faves.

Netflix Pick: Sisters

This is one of those writing/comedic/producing teams that rarely lets you down.  I have to say that I didn't love this as much as Baby Mama , but it definitely had some LOL moments.  My husband pointed out that "bro-movie" flicks starring women always have an underlying "message" that guy movies don't.  I think he's right, and I guess the message here was about family and growing up.  If it were a guy movie, I guess it would have been about where the best place to get a day-after tetanus shot would be. Oh, well.

Love Those Mini Panthers!

Greg Olsen and his mini-me kiddos..... Panther football will be here before you know it!

Music Tonight at The Milestone!

Tail Light Rebellion with Em Young & Smelly Felly tonight at The World Famous Milestone Club

Music Options Tonight in Charlotte!

David Childers & The Serpents Thomas Street Tavern Tonight at 10 pm Punk Rock Smackdown featuring The Commonwealth Madd Hatters, Poison Anthem, Discordia Dames, the Bodybags & Couch Surfer at The World Famous Milestone Squirt at Snug Harbor Rippin' Weekend 2 featuring Ghost Trees, Spirit System and more at Petra's

To All the Broken Toys.....

All of the people I have loved best in this world Have been the strangest The most flawed The most imperfect. The ones who've made the mistakes Admitted the mistakes Never tried to be perfect Or Who have tried, failed, and started again. The ones that show anger And love And pain And fear And humility. The ones who are brave In ways that the simple can't understand And still have mercy Despite all their tragedy. A nation of broken toys And repaired wounded. The lovers, The fighters, The searchers, The seekers. Those are all the people I have loved best in this world.

Bear Wednesday: All Koalas, All the Time

The Reality TV of My Youth.....and Maybe Yours Too!

Sooooo.  Vh1 Classic becoming MTV Classic hasn't been as awesome as I hoped.  Only 2 days in and they were already back to showing 80's movies like Revenge of the Nerds and Ghostbusters.  Now don't get me wrong, I got nothing against those movies, but that is not what I was hoping for out of a channel called MTV Classic.  I'm also not thrilled that they seem to think that the Beavis & Butthead reboot from 2011 is also classic , but I digress. But I have been happy with the repeats of The Real World .  I know a lot of peeps really despise reality television, but I truly believe The Real World was a true representation of reality at its least in the early days. The first installment of The Real World was set in New York City and had a cast of all creative types: artists, singers, dancers, writers and they really were sharing a loft space in the city for 3 months.  They were all trying to better their careers by being on the show, for sure, bu

Netflix Pick: The Martian

Just kind of a meh movie to me.  It wasn't awful, but I'm not sure why everyone thought it was so great.  There are probably at least a dozen better space-themed movies that I would put ahead of this including: Apollo 13, Contact, Gravity and Interstellar .  Sorry, Matt.  It just fell flat for me. 

Punk Rock Picnic Today at The Rabbit Hole......All Ages Event!

Van Huskins Tonight at The Milestone

Netflix Pick: Adult World

This is definitely not one of the best movies I've seen lately, BUT it did do a few things for me: ~made me not miss being 22 ~solidified my feelings of annoyance with most (not all, but most) Millennials ~reminded me of how much I love me some John Cusack ~settled me down from some bigger concerns for about 90 minutes It also pretty much told me what happened to Rob Gordon about 20 years after.  (Not the same character, I know, but pretty much the same.)

Bear Wednesday: Fun Bear Memes