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Showing posts from January, 2016

2 Great Shows in Charlotte Tonight!

Ghosts of Bannockburn at RiRa Irish Pub   The Business People at Visulite Theatre   And as luck would have it, the friggin circus is in town at Time Warner Cable Arena!  If time and traffic are on my side, I'm gonna try to make both.  We'll see what happens.....   P.S. Who says Charlotte has no scene????? 

Rock Journalist

Meet your new Music Reviewer for My City Magazine .   I would be lying if I said I wasn't psyched. I feel all Cameron Crowe or something.

It's All Happening

Get a Band-Aid, Haters....Cam is Going to the Superbowl

  Check out Cam's new Beats by Dre commercial .

Make It Happen, Panthers!

Yankee, Go Home......No, Really.....Just Go

This is for all those Northern transplants that complain about how we don't know how to drive in the snow down here. That's right.  We don't.  We're smart enough to keep our asses at home on snow days and do as nature intended: be lazy, play with our kids and indulge in copious amounts of food and drink.  Get it together, Yankees.  As if "ice driving" is something you can put on your resume.  Jesus H.  Besides, we've mastered something you probably never will.  How too look good in 100% humidity.  Suck on that, city girls!

Snow Snax!

Poor lady.  Must've forgotten the Cheetos. So, ahead of the snowmageddon we're supposed to have this weekend, last night the hubs and I started discussing the need for snow snacks.  We also started thinking about how different our snow lists were back when were in our early 20's.  Mine was probably mainly junk food, bridal magazines (woops), and Twizzlers.  His was cigarettes, beer and take-out Chinese.  But who really remembers? I wasn't there.  I'm just guessing this was E-Roc's house. These days it's a lot more sedate and more kid-friendly: bananas, Little Debbie snack cakes (The Droid's fave), unsalted nuts (really), and the obvious bread and milk.  Whew.  The Droid is okay now. I wonder about more famous people who walk a little closer to the wild side.  What do they have when the blizzard keeps them out of the clubs?  And what about political people?  And funny people?  And even imaginary people?  I think you can see where thi

Movie Pick: Me, Earl and the Dying Girl

Even with the title of this movie telling you everything you need to know, I still managed to be shocked by the ending of this movie.  And even given that, it's still a cute indie movie.  It manages to be sad without getting morose, cute without being pretentious and philosophical without going too deep.  I loved a few things about this film. First, the friendship between the two guys including the ridiculous parody movies they make together.  Second, the quirky parents and teachers all of the kids share including the tattooed but deep history teacher and weird bathrobe-wearing sociology professor dad.  And third, the idea that sometimes we never really learn all we should know about someone until, sadly, they are gone from us.  Us older coots talk all the time about how self-centered and helicoptered kids are today.  I wonder if, maybe just maybe, films like this might be a step in the right direction to all of them figuring that out.  

Aspen, My Current Fave Dog of the Internets!

I'm so in love with this daggum dog that I saved several of his pics to my desktop, so I can admire them anytime I like!  Go check out this story on Bored Panda about his interesting life and then head on over to his dad's Instagram .  Super cute and beautiful photos!

Cam Newton vs. The World of Haters

Why do you people have to hate on Cam? Is his smile too bright? Does he celebrate moments meant to be celebrated with too much exuberance? Is he too stunning in his perfect male form? Does he play the game too brilliantly? Is he too much of a champion? Does he support his fellow teammates too much? Does he just seem to really love the game?  That's okay, haters.  We'll keep him.


The Academy of Boring White People, i.e. Why Black Actors Don't Get the Nomination

There has been some backlash this past week about the lack of a single black actor/actress nomination for the Academy Awards announced this week.  It even has its own hashtag #oscarsstillsowhite to make note that this continues year after year.  It's especially bewildering when excellent young actor, Michael B. Jordan wasn't nominated for Creed , but Sylvester Stallone was.  Now I love Sly, but c'mon now, people.  MBJ is only at the beginning of an awesome career .......not even a friggin nomination? Just tell me how to beat you, Rocky.  Can it be done, old man? And it's not that black actors aren't nominated.....sometimes.  And it's not that they don't win.....sometimes.  But those times do seem to be few and far between.  And there's already a lot of talk about how hard it is for persons of color to even get the roles.  Which got me to thinking..... Do we only want to see black actors and actresses in certain kinds of roles? Hattie McDani