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Showing posts from January, 2015

The Beatles.......Today!

Abbey Road Live! performing 2 all ages shows today at the Orange Peel in Asheville, NC.  You know these Beatles fans will be there!  When I asked Little Boy earlier this week which songs The Beatles were going to sing he said in one long stream: she loves you yeah yeah.....shoulda know better......hold my hand!  And last week when I asked him his favorite song he said without hesitation "Blackbird".  I've at least partly raised that kid right!

Netflix Pick: This is Where I Leave You

  This was the family dramedy was looking for and didn't get out of August: Osage County.  And this one was sooooo much better.  It was cute, relatable and full of poignant moments that I could relate to personally.  The cast was great, and film never goes wrong with Tina Fey.  My favorite character/plot was the toddler who keeps dragging his potty around to very conspicious places to do his duty.  Sometimes it takes a kid to break the tension of life and death, marriage and divorce, success and failure to make you see what's real and necessary.  And bonus, it wasn't as good as the book (but what ever is?) but it wasn't a let-down either.  So good job, screen writers!

Book Pick: The Last Original Wife

   It's not my usual book pick, but it wasn't half bad.  A definite good beach read and something worth recommending to the girls in your life who may feel like life/husband/marriage/etc short-changed them a bit.    Just a little too heavy on use of the Southern terms of endearment like "Sugar", "Sug" and "Giiiiiirl".  I'm just sayin'.

Take Me to Church.......Shocking!

I was intrigued from the first time I heard this song.  It's very powerful and very provocative.  I heard it on an alternative rock station, and thought, yeah that makes sense.  But then when I heard it on a mainstream pop station I was shocked.  Blasphemy is not a word you hear too much anymore, and I'm not using it with judgement.  But it was the word that came to mind.  "And I love it......."  Yeah, I do. I'm also intrigued by the artist, Hozier, an Irish guy who may just be the next big thing. 

Hardsoul Poets Reunion Show

  Oh, how I loved local band Hardsoul Poets back when I was in high school!  So I was super psyched to hear they were planning a reunion show this April!  Go to their Facebook page for details on the Visulite Theater show on April 25th.  I can't wait to see this show with my hubby in a few months and once again relive the things we loved together back in the day.  We still have the cassette for Private Radio ! Squuuueeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Fave Movie Lines: Forget Paris

    Ellen : Do you sleep with the window open? Mickey : Yeah. Ellen : I don't like it. You will have to stop that. Mickey : Ok. Ellen : Do you squeeze the toothpaste at the top or the bottom? Mickey : Top. Ellen : Don't do that I hate that. If you ever use my car, make sure the mirror is back where I put it. Mickey : Ok, I can do that. Ellen : All right. Do you want to talk about religion, politics, whether you want to have kids or not. Mickey : Nah, that crap will work itself out, we are fine with the big issues. Ellen : Ok, I'll marry you.

Book Pick: Wild Tales

  I'm beginning to notice a pattern in myself when I read autobiographies of musicians.  I don't always like them more when I finish.....especially in the case of men.  Except for maybe Mike Watt.  Because he can do WHATEVER he wants and I will still love him.  And maybe Patti Smith and Cyndi Lauper.  Reading their books made me really appreciate their creative process and struggles as female artists.  So maybe in the cases of THOSE THREE artists I liked them better when I finished the book. Okay, generalist rant over, back to this guy. First off, I have to say that I love Nash's work with The Hollies and CSN and CSNY.  I love his songwriting and his harmonies.  I appreciate his commitment to the environment.  I empathize with his impoverished childhood and his friendship with a drug addict.  But there's something about him.......I don't know.......that's just a little too egotistical for me.  And I've found this when I've read about many male

Netflix Pick: August Osage County

I honestly thought this movie was going to be a quirky southern dramedy kinda like Steel Magnolias or Crimes of the Heart .  Boy, was I wrong.  This movie is depressing as hell. But I will say that the cast is excellent and the story is relatable.  The movie screens like a play because it's based on one, so there's that kind of pacing for one thing.  And my husband often says that people like to be sad, so that may be one reason why people like it. I could actually relate to some of the subject matter because like most people I do have some yucky stuff in my family.  The biggest theme, at least to me, was how a parent passes the bad shit they got from their parents onto their kids.  And so on and so on.  Like Meryl Streep's character, my mother was raised by a bad mother.  Lucky for me, it made my mother strive against that instead of going with the flow. Very, very lucky for me.  I guess that's why my sister and I are relatively well-adjuste

The Doors: Soul Kitchen

  I light another cigarette....... learn to forget.

The World We Live In

Today I listened to a coworker plan a trip overseas and wrangle about the price of the use of an exclusive beach and chartered plane. Later I found out another coworker didn't have a dollar to get home on the bus. I'm not hating on either.  The inequity just makes me sad.

The People We Still Need Today.......

  Said General Clay to General Gore, “Oh must we fight this silly war? To kill and die is such a bore.” “I quite agree,” said General Gore. From The Generals by Shel Silverstein     We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love. Mother Teresa       The world is filled with people who are no longer needed and who try to make slaves of all of us and they have their music and we have ours. Woody Guthrie 

Now I Know How My Parents Felt Back in the 80's

Le sigh.  I know it makes me sound so old, but I just don't get music today. Ducky had it right back in 1986 in Pretty in Pink.  The Supremes in 1966: "whenever you're near.....I hear a symphony......."    Jason Derulo, Trumpets , 2013: "every time you get undressed, I hear symphonies in my head....."

R.I.P. Charlie Hebdo

I don't think I'd be who I am today if I hadn't read so much Mad Magazine in my formative years.  This is so important.  It can't be overlooked.  


  Playoffs this weekend continue in Seattle.  Support the home team!!!!!

R.I.P. Stuart Scott

  A loss to sports, a loss to the world.  

Make It Happen

Happy New Year!