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Showing posts from March, 2014

Book Pick: The Other Typist

This book became my mission to finish because unfortunately, at least to me, it wasn't interesting enough to want to stay with.  The story set in a 1920's Prohibition Era New York police precinct has enough unique would think......but there was something about the plodding measure of its telling that wore me down. I only really engaged in the last 50 or so pages, but I will admit that the ending confused me.  I still don't know which end of this "single-white-female-black-swan" storyline the narrator comes out on.  I think there is a movie in the works for this, so maybe I will give that a try and let it help me figure it all out.  I usually don't need that much help!

Netflix Pick: Dallas Buyers Club

When you realize how many current news stories concern people literally fighting with the FDA to get drugs approved that they know will help them with their particular illness, then you know how timely this movie is even though it is set in a time period of roughly 30 years ago.  It really takes you back to the time when everyone was afraid of this mysterious illness and the stigma could not have been greater.  You won't question for one moment why Jared and Matt both won their Oscars for this.  It is a great movie but in order to be great it is also harsh, ugly and enlightening.  But besides all the seriousness of it, I like any movie that lets Matt throw his Texas on.  "I like your style......"

Coldplay: Clocks

Am I a part of the cure? Or am I part of the disease?

Book Picks: Mrs. Poe

Although I've never been a huge fan of Edgar Allen Poe, I was enthralled by this work of historical fiction that captures several great literary figures of its time: Poe, Frances Sargeant Osgood, Elizabeth Ellet, Margaret Fuller, and Rufus Griswold among others.  A crazy love triangle mixed with clandestine meetings in cemeteries and foolhardy poems of love for public consumption.....hmmm......I can kinda relate.  The story is based on a scandal in the New York literary community involving Poe and Osgood in the 1840's.  I love the name-dropping of important writers and famous people of the time as well as the description of pre Civil War New York with the elite eating at Delmonico's and visiting Astor House for tea while the Irish immigrants battle for Five Points.  As for the lovelorn in the story, I know this might sound mean but I'm always glad to see that life never changes much.  The problems of the two are actually often the problems of many.  The story is very

Fave Movie Lines: Juno

Dad: Juno, I thought you were the kind of girl that knew when to say when. Juno: I really don't know what kind of girl I am.

Book Pick: Fools

This books is so exquisite in its language, I felt sad for knowing I could never be a writer like this.  It features several short stories with intertwining details that spans from the 1920's through present-day and traipses across New York City, San Francisco, Palm Beach and even India and France!  The beginning story of Anarchists and Communists in 1920's and 30's New York made me think of Richard Wright and the parts in Paris reminded me of James Baldwin.  The entire book made me envious of any students that are attending Sarah Lawrence College and could actually sit in a class taught by Silber!  One of the loveliest I have read lately......

Netflix Pick: Robot and Frank

I got this movie thinking I wouldn't really like it because I don't really love Frank Langella.  For one, he always seems to play bad guys in movies.  And for another, I heard him interviewed on NPR, and he seemed to take himself just a little too seriously for my taste.  So this movie has to be pretty good if it endeared me to Frank Langella!  And is good.  The near-future implications are intriguing and the story itself is full of heart.  Bonus: it's a film your husband will watch with you without picking up his phone to play Candy Crush!

Pearl Jam: Sirens

It's a fragile thing, this life we lead......

PBS vs. NPR Bracketology

Surely, you have already completed your bracket and have been voting for your fave NPR and PBS stars and hosts.  Surely, you are nerd enough to know how important this is.  Surely, you are also willing Terry Gross to win it all!!! Go to WHYY for bracket, voting and all around tournament fun stuff.....

Netflix Pick: Enough Said

This is a sweet little under-the-radar romantic comedy with an awesome cast that will make you sad all over again that it was one of James Gandolfini's last films.  I love movies like this for all the reasons that others may not love them so was somewhat slow and very thinky.  It made me think about a lot of things: true love and acceptance of the person you say that you love, how you think about, talk about and interact with your ex, the good and bad qualities you pass on to your kids, and what you consider the true happiness and comforts of life.  The questions are answered differently by everyone, but the important thing is that you ask them of yourself. 

Surrounding Myself With It

Bad things happen every day.  Near and far.  People will hurt you.  Life will abuse you.  Events will scare you. My way of dealing with all the bad apples of life used to be to write about them.  Lately my approach has changed.  Why keep re-hashing the past?  (Because isn't that exactly what writing about it does?)  Why not move forward, surrounding yourself with the people and things that you love and that actually love you back? So this is what has been happening in my office.....a complete manifestation of all things I love and that make me feel good.    My current screen saver of Jane and a friend My current favorite quote...applies to work life, private, life, etc. Pics of my son and his baby sis, notes from my mom, and all manner of fun items More pics, more memories, more fun stuff One of the best days of my life All the many, many readers of my blog might notice this is happening here too.  I had two recent bad experiences that urged me to purg

Oh, John Ross Ewing.....You, Devil, You!

Yes, I am totally into the new version of Dallas .  How can I not be?  It was the greatest show ever when I was a kid!  And now, I actually understand what's happening!  I'm telling you, give it one watch and you'll be hooked....