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Showing posts from September, 2012

Do It For Us, Steve!

Man, I tell you, sometimes I wish Steve would just pick up the phone when Neal calls !  I'm sure there's more underlying all this than we'll ever know, but wouldn't a real true reunion of Journey be the all-out cat's p-jams??? Sometimes I hear Journey so frequently, I almost forget they're not making current music.  Any band with that much staying power for over 30 years has got to be worth a few phone conversations.  

For My Hubby

Jesus and Steve Smith

While I am not a religious person by any means, I probably know the Holy Bible better than most other heathens like me.  Some of the stories in it do the best job of any for teaching about respect, love and obedience in relationships.  Such is the case with the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Which is why I really thought this event here was especially nice.  The kids didn't just get new shoes and socks, they got their feet washed too!  

Is Jax Tavern to Blame?

I hardly ever comment on local news stories, but this one here just bugs the piss outta me. I'm not sure the folks at this establishment are culpable for this man's death, but the article indicates this is clearly not the nicest place on the block.  AND if you ever read the local paper you will quickly see that this particular family has scraps with the law ALL. THE. TIME. (And go on down and read on the comments on this news piece too.  You will learn quite a lot about the rules of bar tending, my friend.) If I lived in Belmont or owned and ran a business there, I do believe I would do something I've heard my dad say plenty of times: "stand on my head and show my ass".  Because I don't think I would want Belmont known as a place that has businesses run by such irresponsible people OR has businesses run by people who CONSTANTLY break the law themselves.  I wouldn't want my business or my home hurt by their bad decisions. But I don't live in Be

Not a Trained Monkey

I spent an inordinate amount of time this weekend trying to capture really perfect pics of my child.  Frolicking, sitting, thinking, playing, looking pensive, looking sweet, etc.  Unfortunately, my camera was never ready when he started laughing his crazy giggle (for no good reason) or started mimicking E-Roc's exclamations during football.  Oh, well.  I tried.

How Cute People Get Through Life

Last night, my ordinarily very intelligent husband thought that Abbie Hoffman was Jimmy Hoffa.  I let him by with it because he is especially cute and usually very smart. 

Sad, But True

Totally digging on and loving this blog on a slow Friday.......

Public Service Message

Powerful piece about how drinking could be affecting your parenting.  Pass it on to those who need it.

Released This Week.....Finally!

My weekend reading.....for as much as Little Boy will allow!

Things You Can't Make Up

Last night I had a dream that I was in some kind of weird karaoke bar where you actually performed your song with the washed-up band that made it famous.  I was set to go on with Dave Coverdale to sing "Here I Go Again" but it was clear that Dave didn't think I was up to it when he started quizzing me about the entire Whitesnake catalog.   In the end, I stood up on a table and sang "Detroit Rock City" while a bloated Ace jammed out beside me.  Vince Neil was also wandering around for some reason. And no, I didn't watch "Behind the Music: Hair Metal" last night while E-Roc watched feetball. And no, I don't drop acid before bedtime. Weird.  I know.

Still Stuck.....

Stuck in the 90's

Late Summer Reads

With every book I finish, E-Roc has started asking "which war are you gonna read about now?" Well, smartie, I will have you know that Whiteout has nothing to do with war......unless you are considering biological terrorism war, in which case, you win. But The Company You Keep is right in step with my current interest in the Vietnam War .  So maybe next I'll read about Korea....or the War of 1812.....who knows! Oh, wait.  I'm still waiting on Winter of the World to come out .......WWII here I come!

Teenage Dream

Jesus H, I miss 1991!  Luckily, Halloween is coming soon.  Could I be channeling 16 year-old me???

Pink! is Back! And Still Pissed! Off!

Funny.  I expected her first hit after the birth of her baby girl to be all hearts and flowers....not the ultimate get outta my life tirade! But then again, would we expect anything less from Pink!?


Current Stars of the Interwebs

Cuteness. Is. Killing. Me.