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Showing posts from May, 2011

I'll Do What THESE GUYS Tell Me!

Lately, it seems like I hear this song every time I'm in my car. What do it mean? I don't know. But it does get me very riled up and feisty and makes me have to add Tom Morello to my list which is constantly getting more and more crowded what with Matt and Mike Ness and Daniel Day-Lewis and all.........

Friday at the Office......Thinkin' Bout the Rapture.....

Now here I've been thinking for years that the end of the world was to take place in 2012. And now it's apparently upon us? Tomorrow? At 6 in the evening??? How did Armageddon sneak up on me like that? Now I'm not making fun of how anyone believes or their religious choices, but even I know from my Sunday School days that these things can't be predicted. And I could jump in with the hordes of heathens making their plans to loot and sin once the holy are carted away, but that just seems.....well....wrong. But at the same time, I can't be one to quickly repent or sell my worldly goods. That seems....well....stupid. I'm terribly interested in people who believe in all of this though. I guess it's hard to walk away from diatribes that you've heard your whole life from the pulpit, but I'm astonished by people who seem to want the world to end. If you believe in God and the afterlife, I guess it's the reward you've waited for your whole li

What Would Wilco Think?

Possible New Music Like? This isn't the kind of song or band I would typically like, but I think they have kind of an 80's sound that is appealing to Level 42 or even INXS-like. And yeah, I think their name is kinda stupid, but hell, I love Modest Mouse.....who can really talk?

We'll Have a Gay Old Time!

I'm not usually so mean (but didn't that last post signal that I'm kinda in a bad mood?) but in this particular case , doesn't irreconcilable differences actually mean gay? And again, I know it's mean, but I love the whole story line of Angela marrying a gay state senator on The Office . That will be fun to watch next fall.


I am totally wrapped up in Possessed: The Life of Joan Crawford . Most people only know her for her wild unmotherly antics portrayed in Mommie Dearest . And that's really a shame because there was so much more to this woman who was one of the first movie starlets and then one of the first movie star queens. By drawing on her impoverished childhood, she pretty much invented Method Acting before there was even such a thing! I have been most intrigued learning about the early practices of the film studios and how controlling they were of their talents' lives and how hard they worked to keep secrets of bad behavior. Could you imagine that today in our time of constant tabloid fodder, celebrity gossip blogs and reality shows? I am becoming more and more interested in the lives of early film stars and feel I am going to be spending some quality time with AMC here soon. And as for Crawford's supposed ill treatment of her children as accounted for in Mommie Dearest .....well

Weekend in 3 Words: Naps, Wedding, Sheeps!

Little Boy faces off with woolly sheep. In the end, they high-fived and Little Boy bought the sheep a cold Coke.

He Treat Me Like a Rag Doll......

Just started reading Whores about the story of Perry Ferrell and Jane's Addiction. It's one of those books told from several different perspectives.....kind of like Motley Crue's The Dirt .....but not nearly as dirty. I like this book.....because I love Jane's.....but I feel like the contributors are just keeping it too clean. Don't tell me a weird, artsy band like Jane's doesn't have their fair share of Motley-style moments! E-Roc and I saw Jane's with Nine Inch Nails a few years back, and it was one of the best shows I've ever seen.....especially of an, ahem, older band. I like Mountain Song , Stop and Jane Says (which seems to have a lore like no other song of my generation) like everyone else but I always have to give it up for Three Days , which was the first song of the set for the show we saw. It is one of those long, powerful kind of songs.....almost like a suite.......and contains one of my favorite lines of a song ever: "Tru