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Showing posts from April, 2010

Friday Night Girls Night?

Little Boy is in bed and The Boyfriend is out. And me? The gentle woman that I am? I'm watching First Blood, the iconic 1982 Sylvester Stallone pic. I'm not quite sure why I have always loved this movie. Maybe it's the whole struggle of One Man against The Man with only his wits and strength. Maybe it's the whole Vietnam Vet subplot which was so dominant but rarely talked about in our culture at that time. Or maybe it's just Sly and I'm a child of the 80's. I can't help it! Tune in! It's "Rambo Week" on AMC! Enjoy!

Friday Playlist 1: Yummy, Yummy Punk Rock Girls!

Aaah.....the Friday Playlist.....a great way to kick off the last day of the work week or the end of it. Play at your own risk. Listening to this one may make you want to burn down your office building or drive right on past! Warning Green Day Punk Rock Girls The Queers Clampdown The Clash Driver Education Amy Ray Clover Chaos Los Accidentes I Wanna Be Sedated The Ramones Take It Off The Donnas 10 am Automatic The Black Keys Train in Vain The Clash Gabba Gabba, wha????? Happy Weekend.......

You Go Girls vs. Girls Gone Wild?

It looks like the suit against Wal-Mart that claims they pay less to women and deny them promotions appears to be going forward. Right on, Ladies! I have always had mixed feelings about Wal-Mart. I've often heard that they practice discrimination in their stores to both patrons and employees. And the shopping experience there is often, well.....uh.....less than desirable. But their super low prices make it hard to beat for those items you need around the house. However, the guilt I feel for buying those most-likely-made-overseas products is palpable. What's a working mom to do? And in a totally un-related story, these women are drugging rich older men and then making off with their money and Rolex watches in the ritzy South Beach area. Now I'm not saying this is okay or even funny (well.....maybe a little bit funny) but isn't it nice not to see women on the receiving end of a roofie for a change? Honestly though, drugging and stealing from unsuspecting men is

In Your Face and on the Chest

The one thing I do appreciate about my son's dad is the cool t-shirts he gets for his son. He has to be the most amusingly-dressed kid in his class. This is exactly what it appears......concession snack foods running away. He also has a "Better Than Sliced Bread" shirt and a very witty shirt featuring Admiral Akbar with his fingers stuck in finger cuffs. If you're a Star Wars fan, you already got that. If not, I'll wait while you Google. I don't have the expertise to find these t-shirts like my ex, but I do have luck every now and then. His "Brooklyn's Finest Beats" is hanging in his closet this very minute.

Who is This 'Us' You Speak Of?

"America: The Story of Us" is pretty kick-ass TV and most everyone agrees. In the first 20 minutes alone, I learned at least 3 pieces of historic info I had never learned in all my years of school. (Did you know the Jamestownians resorted to canabilism? I'll just be damned!) Who says television is junk for your brain? Tune into The History Channel Sundays at 9 pm for the new episodes and check the schedule for any good stuff that may be re-running. So far, you've only missed up to the Revolution from the British. But actually, you've missed A LOT. And's probably one of the few shows you and your man can both watch and be entertained without complaint.

The Kind of Angel I Believe In

When I first saw Angel Taylor on MTV during one of those rare moments when they were playing music, I couldn't help but sigh and enjoy. Now I've got nothing against the Lady Gagas, Beyonces and Pinks of the world. But sometimes......oh sometimes....don't you just want to return to the sweet innocence of what music used to be? "Like You Do" takes you to that place. And you don't have to worry about what ickiness your child might see and/or repeat if he walks in and hears. Tra la la......

My Name is Becky, and I Play Farmville...........Hi, Becky!

If I get on Facebook everyday specifically to fool around with my Farmville , does that make me a bad person? I mean.....I hear all the time that a lot of people (especially women, especially moms) are obsessed with Farmville. Dr. Phil even did a show about it. Sheesh. But couldn't it just be a stress reliever? A fun free thing to do in this bad economy? Besides, do you know anybody that has this cute little bunny niche on their farm? Or who spends this much time arranging their farms for cuteness instead of maximum crop and animal harvesting? Are you kidding me? This farm is the dream of the suburban apartment dweller! It's the only place I can landscape and dream! Don't take away my Farmville, Dr. Phil!