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Showing posts from September, 2024

Dream a Little Meme of Me......

 Memes have become my new fortune cookies, daily horoscopes and fonts of wisdom.  My Facebook feed reads all of my moods to deliver just the right words for all my needs.  I save them, pass them on, and turn to them for exactly the motivation I'm looking for given the day's crisis and/or catharsis.   I notice a good bit of what I gravitate toward concerns renewal, forgiveness, and self care.  But some are just straight up funny and slide right in just when I need cheering up. A good many of the memes that slide to me are directly relating to heartbreak and romantic disappointment, because hey, we all know that Mark never stops listening!   Of course I follow a lot of "you go girl" and "woman power" sort of pages and groups, so those memes are pretty easy to spot.  But I don't diminish one bit of how important they can be for self-esteem, self-care and forgiveness. I'm also a huge fan of the "softness" memes.  Encouragement of embracing who