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Showing posts from August, 2024

Take All My Money, Timothee!


Summer Hygge

 This past spring I managed to go to the beach for one weekend.   It was a good time with an old and dear friend.  I read, got sun, had drinks and indulged myself enough to come home and be happy with the non-coastal life.  I didn't take any more trips for the remainder of the summer, deciding instead to stay at home and work on my hygge.  Some people think you can only truly appreciate hygge in a cold climate like that of Scandinavia.  I say can create hygge anywhere with moonlight, a candle and a cool summer blankie. I read A LOT.  Cooked very little.  Napped a lot.  Watched movies and streamed shows.  Listened to music, podcasts and audiobooks.  Watched documentaries.  Learned more things.  Went to a campaign meeting.  Got in touch with long-lost friends from school. I worked on home projects, stained my back deck, framed art and further cottaged my cottage!  Displayed vintage pictures of my fam, installed cute lightswitch plates and bought myself a new Drew Ba

Amen in the Clair de Lune

  "Why do people always think women that are hurt were messed with as kids?  No. They were messed with as women."  (Frankie & Johnny, 1991)