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Showing posts from July, 2023

Favorite Childhood Toys Part II: Barbies Only!

Resharing this classic Barbie post in light of the current movie phenomenon.  I haven't seen the film yet, but I absolutely plan to as soon as possible! (Inspired by this previous post here  and this one as well.)  Peaches 'n Cream Barbie was so beautiful!  I loved her dress and styling her hair! Crystal Barbie's hair wasn't as easy to style, but I loved her iridescent gown.  This one was called Great Shape Barbie....working out was a real craze in the 80's. The Western Barbie was not my fave, but country western wear had a thang in the early 80's. IYKYK, am I right? And this was the plastic case we carried them in! I was a  child of the 1980's.  Most of these Barbie dolls were introduced between 1981-84. Since then there have been many strides made in Barbie dolls of different nationalities, levels of ability and careers.  I think it's fabulous!  While her proportions may be impossible to attain, may Barbie ever striv

And Just Like That.....I am Sucked in Again!

 I will readily admit that I have really gone back and forth on my feelings about the S&TC reboot, "And Just Like That".  I absolutely HATED the first season.  I was so shocked when Big died, that I honestly cried out "goddamm!" And at first, I was really mad about this unexpected plot twist.  Until I remembered what Carrie is all about.  Carrie is about chasing love and finding herself.  Carrie is about self-reflection.  Carrie, like the infamous Don Draper, is about ennui.   (Quick aside, do you think Don Draper is a little bit like Mr. Big?  Discuss.  Then imagine Carrie with Don.  It's not a tough leap if you think about it.) But on with our story here.  Carrie is a thinker.  She's always up in her head.  If she's happily married, that's hard to do.  What kind of content do you have to play with?  Carrie chasing after something she can't have is all we know.  Even in the S&TC movies.  (But that is a WHOLE other post really.  I have su