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Showing posts from April, 2019

Amazon Pick: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

So I finally managed to watch the only 2 existing seasons of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.  It's a super cute show....very charming.....very late 50's/early 60's vibe.  The fashions and environments are gorgeous and had me missing Mad Men.  The acting is fun and awesome by everyone involved, and the story is definitely fresh.  I don't remember this particular plot ever being covered before. I particularly loved the set of episodes set in the very Dirty Dancing.  And I hope everyone else caught the gentle nod to the father/daughter crisis going on in the 1986 movie and this oh-so-new show here. Also, I LOVE at the Jewishness.  Love it. The only thing I don't like is that her kids are rarely seen.  I think the fact that she spends so little time with them and has so many other folks taking care of them is harder to believe than a woman doing stand-up in 1959.  Not hatin…..just sayin......

Errrrbody Loves Becky!

Autumn & Old Girls

(Re-post from 2010 that is sadly still relevant and ongoing.  Sigh.) Today I went and read a blog of an old friend of mine. This is something I haven't done in some months because it always upset me so much to see how much she hated me and still carried a huge hurt due to things that happened between us. I was glad to see as I read that she seems to have healed....or at least for as much as she is comfortable sharing. I was glad to see that. I have come to terms with the loss of friends that I will never get back after my divorce. The divorce wasn't the reason, at least I don't think it was, it was the catalyst. Well, it was the spotlight on things they, and I, didn't want to see. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. I know that I will forever miss those girls and will always wish them the best in my heart. If I hear good things about them, their kids, their lives.....I will be glad. But I won't seek out to find it. I don't know when or if I'll

Spring Planting

I'm coming into my very busy time of year again.  Y'all act right out there.  Be back soonish…..