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Showing posts from January, 2018

What's It Like to be a Hopeless Romantic?

I read all kinds of pieces online concerning "what's it like to......."  What's it like to have autism?  What's it like to live on $10 per day?  What's it like to wear heels for 16 hours and then come home and cook dinner and rock babies?  But have you folks ever considered us: the hopeless romantics?  Have you ever wondered what it's like to be us? ro·man·tic rōˈman(t)ik/ adjective adjective: romantic ; adjective: Romantic 1 . conducive to or characterized by the expression of love. "a romantic candlelit dinner" synonyms: loving , amorous , passionate , tender , affectionate ; informal lovey-dovey "he's so romantic" (of a person) readily demonstrating feelings of love. "he's very handsome, and so romantic" relating to love or to sexual relationships. "after their romantic relationship ended they became great friends" synonyms: sentimental , m

Book Pick: The Amateur Marriage

Who is ever really ready for marriage?  Are you sure? Another masterpiece from the author who I am beginning to see as something of a wise old aunt .  This is one of those opportunities to view the same event from the husband's side and also the wife's and will make you go back and analyze your most recent tiffs with your own love partner.  Were you right after all?  Are you sure about that?  Was it worth it?  It also reminded me that you're never too old to: start over, look back, or learn.  This novel also begs the question of how well you really know and understand the people in your life you think you know and understand the best of all.  Does a mother ever really know her own child?  How well does a daughter know her mother?  Husbands who know their wives?  Maybe?  Are you sure? Are you sure?  Are you sure about that?  You'll ask yourself again and again before you finish.

Netflix Pick: The Crown

Since I've only ever had a vague interest in court life but am at least well-read enough to know what is meant by "court life", I didn't leap to watching The Crown on Netflix until a recent snow break.  But I was wrong to wait.  It is an excellent show full of romance, political intrigue, and history. I really like the upstairs/downstairs gossipy part of the show though, I must admit.  I like learning about the personal characteristics of the historical figures like Princess Margaret and Winston Churchill and of course I love the fashions and home décor of the period.  I like seeing the young Queen both learning to be a Queen and to be a wife and mother.  It's very real and very relatable....even to us commoners! But the thing I love most is the empowerment.  As a woman working in a male-dominated profession, I like seeing the role model of Queen Elizabeth among her male subjects.  Her demeanor, while demure, reminds me of the role in which Dame Judi Den

George Strait: Amarillo by Morning

"I ain't got a dime but what I got is mine I ain't rich but Lord I'm free...." 

Heath Ledger 10 Years Gone

January's Addiction: Google Arts & Culture App

RIP Dolores O'Riordan

Dreams Oh my life is changing everyday In every possible way And oh my dreams It's never quite as it seems Never quite as it seems I know I felt like this before But now I'm feeling it even more Because it came from you Then I open up and see The person falling here is me A different way to be I want more, impossible to ignore Impossible to ignore And they'll come true Impossible not to do Possible not to do And now I tell you openly You have my heart so don't hurt me You're what I couldn't find A totally amazing mind So understanding and so kind You're everything to me Oh my life is changing everyday In every possible way And oh my dreams It's never quite as it seems 'Cause you're a dream to me Dream to me.....