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Showing posts from December, 2014

Book Pick: Wild

Even though I'm not a hiker, I always seem to really enjoy books about hiking like Into the Wild and A Walk Across America.  This one is no exception.  I guess there's just something about the introspection one gleans from being in the woods.  I'm a little hesitant to see the movie starring Reese Witherspoon because I've already heard it veers far off course.  But I've been pretty happy with the book and it was the perfect respite after the long and annoying holidays.....really helps you keep it in perspective.

Netflix Pick: Pink Ribbons Inc.

One of the best and most powerful documentaries I've seen in a long time.  And it confirmed everything I'd always thought about the Pink Ribbon propaganda of our time and the huge sorority party it has become.  Made me wish I was out there working hard for a good cause like I once was.

Netflix Pick: The Grand Budapest Hotel

  Didn't finish it.  I think I don't *get* Wes Anderson.

Book Pick: The Valley of Amazement

I love Amy Tan's work and read every book she writes, but I guess for me, nothing will ever compare to The Joy Luck Club.  Although there are many similarities.  The rich tapestry of womanhood, sisterhood and mother and daughterhood run through her books so strongly that you almost forget that a man is ever necessary.  And Tan's books almost make you want to forget about men altogether anyway.  This one was a little too Memoirs of a Geisha, but that was a good book too!

Netflix Pick: Guardians of the Galaxy

I'm not usually one to go for comic book movies, but this one is pretty funny in parts.  And it has a kick-ass soundtrack.  AND Chris Pratt.  And a crazy-ass talking raccoon thingy.  AND Groot! 

Horse Adventures!

Netflix Pick: Chef

Jon Favreau would have to mess something up pretty bad to make me not like him.  But a movie about chefs and a food truck......or any sort of food set-up would have to work hard to impress my husband.  And amazingly, it did!  This movie is super cute and very feel good.  From the authenticity of the chef/kitchen/cooking life right down to the father-son bonding, this flick leaves you feeling pretty good.  And after the Netflix duds I've been picking, we really needed that!  E-Roc and I especially loved the whole corn starch joke.  If you work in a kitchen or love someone who does, you'll get it right away. 

Little Boy Loves Flint

Little Boy continues to love his time spent with the horses, and I grow more and more fond of them myself.  I've learned that Flint here is a rescue horse who previously worked for the Amish, pulling buggies and such.  He is between 22 and 25 years old and has the disposition of a (mostly) kindly old man.  Little Boy is learning to take care of Flint as well as riding him with ease.  He trotted for the first time this past week and the smile on his face was unmistakable.  I definitely can advocate equine therapy for just about any child based on the reaction I've seen from my child and the others we've met at the stables.  Look for a farm near you to learn more!  We ride at Victory Farms, Inc in Gastonia, and I highly recommend!

Netflix Pick: The One I Love

This movie is so weird and doesn't do anything to make you love your spouse more....just like the travesty that was Blue Valentine .  At least the hubby was smart enough not to get sucked into watching this one with me.  He got out....I didn' yourselves!

Christmas 2014

That season is again upon us.  And while I don't embrace it like most folks, I'm also finding I don't hate it with the gusto I once did.  Could this be growth or healing?

World AIDS Day 2014

You are never far from my mind.  I'll never forget you.