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Showing posts from November, 2014

Movie Pick: Mockingjay Part I

I don't want to give anything away, but I have to disagree with anyone who didn't like the first installment of Mockingjay.  If you've read the books, you know the build-up was awesome for what's going to happen in Part 2.  To me, even though you see him so little, this part of the series is all about Peeta.....and oh, I love him so.  I thought the last 15 minutes pretty much made the entire 2 hours worthwhile.  And if you just can't wait, read the books!!!!!

Netflix Pick: 22 Jump Street

Had some cute moments, but not nearly as funny as the first.  The best part is the trailers at the end for the many, many upcoming sequels.  Still, it has Channing, and that's good enough.

Netflix Pick: Neighbors

This movie was actually surprisingly funny and didn't gross me out the way movies like this tend to do.  We had several LOL moments, and of course, I love anything with my man, Seth.  My only qualm was that I felt there should have been a plot point in which the frat reports the parents to CPS.  But that's just one ex social worker's opinion.......

Berlin Wall 25 Years Gone

I remember when the Berlin Wall came down.  I was only 14, and I did not realize the true significance of the moment.  I never really had any understanding of politics as I grew up during The Cold War.  All I knew was that I wasn't supposed to like Russians.  Seriously.  For whatever reason.  All the movies told me that Russians were bad.  Remember Rocky IV for Christ's sake?  My sister and I would watch the Olympic Games with great interest, especially the human interest stories about gymnasts and figure skaters.  I remember asking my mom what was the difference between East and West Germany and she said "West Germany is the good side and East Germany is the bad side".  Really.  Not a very clever explanation, but still she made her point. 

Little Boy + Flint + Mommy

Little Boy is still loving his horseback riding lessons and his favorite horse seems to be Flint.  I'm really starting to like Flint too and am happy to be learning about horses.  They're kinda like big dogs that like to be petted and eat treats out of your hand!  I'm also loving the exercise of the long trail walks while Little Boy rides.  All in all, a great way to spend Saturdays!

Netflix Pick: They Came Together

I would like to say I loved this movie, but it was really quite mediocre.  And this makes me sad because I love pretty much anything Michael Showalter has anything to do with, so I thought I'd LOVE this.  The premise is pretty funny, and when you realize the film is spoofing You've Got Mail , Jerry Maguire , The Baxter , When Harry Met Sally , Forget Paris and probably several other rom-coms I'm forgetting you can't help but think it's genius.  But then it just falls terribly short and just isn't very funny.  And I have a hard time forgiving David Wain and Showalter for that Bubby scene.  I'm gonna be mind-bleaching that one for a while. 

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

“Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”   Nora Ephron from "You've Got Mail"     “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”   Albert Camus     “Aprils have never meant much to me, autumns seem that season of beginning, spring.”   Truman Capote from "Breakfast at Tiffany's"