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Showing posts from February, 2014

Fave Movie Lines: Best of Harold Ramis

The internet is swirling with an outpouring of love for writer/director/actor Harold Ramis.  And why not?  If you grew up in the 70's and 80's you have lived your life with his movies.  And there are so many great quotes and funny jokes to cite.  But given the girly nature and personal persuasion of this blog, I'm choosing to share the probably lesser-noticed roles and less-repeated quotes that I admired.  It's sad to watch the icons of our lives die, but we have to be grateful for their contributions.  R.I.P. Mr. Ramis.......  Ben's dad in Knocked Up: Dad: I love you.  You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Ben: I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you?    Dad: Yes. Ben: Now I'm starting to feel a little sorry for YOU!  Alan Appleby in Stealing Home: "Be. My. Friend."  Steven Buchner in Baby Boom: "Great idea.  Give her linguini. " Dr. Egon Spengler in Ghostbusters:

Fave Movie Lines: Moonstruck

Loretta, I love you. Not like they told you love is, and I didn't know this either, but love don't make things nice - it ruins everything. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and die! The storybooks are bullshit! Now I want you to come upstairs with me and get in my bed!

Spring: Brought to You by a Mural in Downtown Belmont, NC!

Fave Movie Lines: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Toula (solemnly): But I love him. Mother (exasperated): Oh, Toula!  Eat something!

Netflix Picks: Gender Documentaries & Sea World!

The recent snow-in gave my hubby and I a lot of time to watch some movies and get our learnin on!  First off, I have to mention that we watched Blackfish on CNN which is incredible!  This movie will never make you see Sea World the same again. Then we turned to our Netflix for some very engaging gender-based documentaries.... First we watched an Oprah Winfrey-produced piece called Miss Representation which looked at the sexualized stereotypes of women in the media.  Then for an equal dose, we checked out Morgan Spurlock's Mansome which is all about men and their modern grooming habits.  All of these movies were really good and brought forth some great dialogue between the spouse and I, and they also made me wish and wonder if people just gave an inch of thought to some simple subjects that our world might be better! Or maybe they shouldn't think so much. Both the gender docs made me realize how both sexes spend waaaay too much time working on, thinking about

The Pretenders: Back on the Chain Gang

The powers that be That force us to live like we do Bring me to my knees When I see what they've done to you But I'll die as I stand here today Knowing that deep in my heart They'll fall to ruin one day For making us part.....

39 Rewind

I don't have ugly ducklings turning into swans in my stories.  I have ugly ducklings turning into confident ducks. ~Maeve Binchy~  It may have taken 39 years, but I finally made it.

Chris Peigler Punk Party

This is where you should be tonight and/or tomorrow. If your girlfriend gets all whiney because it's Valentine's Day, dump her immediately.  She doesn't understand you.

Dave Matthews Band: Lie in Our Graves

"I can't believe that we would lie in graves wondering if we had spent our living days well I can't believe that we would lie in graves wondering what we might of been......"

Netflix Pick: Memento

This movie came out in 2000, so it seems about right that E-Roc and I would just be catching it now.  And it is totally weird and unsettling and hard to follow and so worth it.  And that's all I say, or it will be ruined!

U2: Beautiful Day

"What you don't have you don't need it now......"

Winter Boy

Be my thrill Be my one My day in the sun My little pop gun The best thing I've done.......  (The Weepies Be My Thrill)

The Beatles: 50 Years Ago Today!

I've had so much fun commemorating the anniversary of The Beatles coming to America this week!  Honestly, I've felt the way I suspect a lot of normal people feel about Christmas!  There have been specials to watch, sweet and memorable tributes, songs to play and really just spending time thinking about how such a great band can have so much impact on so many people. I mean, have you ever thought about all the cultural references to The Beatles? Or how about in Superbad when Jonah Hill says: "Have you ever looked into his eyes?  It was like the first time I heard The Beatles....."  How about this?  Did you even realize this was a Beatles song when you were a kid? And Laverne and Shirley needing to touch each one of their faces on the poster in their house? So here were are, 50 years later, and The Beatles are still all around us.  They're literally all around me!  In my house, there are books, records, magazines, and even a huge Abbey Road

The Beatles: 50 Years in America!

Today there is a big football game in America, but I'm more interested in the upcoming week of commemorations and retrospectives of The Beatles landing in America 50 years ago this week! If you read this blog at all, you will know that I love The Beatles and because of that, my son loves The Beatles.  We have Beatles records, books, CDs, magazines, posters and the like all through our house.  My son listens to a Beatles CD on a loop when he goes to sleep every night.  My husband and I recently took him to his first concert: a Beatles tribute band! With all of that, I sometimes wonder what my life would be like without The Beatles.  I've been listening to them with a passion for 20 years, but even before that, I think they were a part of my subconscious growing up when I didn't even know it yet.  And the same for my kid.  I was singing "Yesterday" and "In My Life" when I was rocking him as an infant.  I can't imagine another band that would have