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Showing posts from February, 2012


Little Boy's playhouse is all blinged out for spring with his flag, bird feeders and fun stuff if those trees in the back could just catch up with us!

Big Brother

Oh, Eddie.....

Apparently, I am discovering my inner-nerd -head-banger self late in life. I blame Sam Dunn .

As True as Ever

Courtesy of

All the Chicks Dig Him.....

Finally a sunny warm Saturday in February!

How Do You NOT Love Key & Peele?

If you ever find yourself wistfully missing Dave Chappelle and just need some good ole comedy that works to shred and poke fun of racial stereotypes, you need to be watching Key & Peele on Comedy Central. The substitute traffic guy in the helicopter is insane. And that's just one of many I can recommend.....


Birthday date with Sweetheart and Yoda. I am excite!!!


I Told You!

Cold Shmold!

Windy Arctic chill? Bah! Little Boy will not be derailed from Saturday afternoon walk. Tomorrow may be a different story.....

Happy Beatles Day!!!!

Anybody that knows me and knows my kid knows that I love The Beatles and I taught my kid to love them too. It's nothing for Little Boy to break into "Hello, Goodbye" or "Michelle" for no reason. So to honor this historic day , I am bringing you my list of Top 20 Favorite Beatles songs. That was a tuffy.......I mean, c'mon......only twenty???? But here they are in no particular order: In My Life Here Comes the Sun Across the Universe (hafta admit I love the Rufus Wainwright version more, but I must give credit to where it is due and that goes to John) I Want to Hold Your Hand Good Morning (Little Boy insists that we stay through every single animal sound at the end as he names them off) I Want You (She's So Heavy) (okay, I partly love this one after reading about James Hetfield hearing it for the first time and saying "what's that? that's pretty fucking hot!" I think of that interview disclosure every time I hear the song) A Day in

48 Years Ago Today......

The Beatles 1st appearance on Ed Sullivan......even though I'm 11 years away from being born, the seeds are planted.....

The Cookie Monster Answers Your Phone

Good lord somebody stop me from going back to the breakroom for anymore Golden Oreos.....


You're either doing really well or really poorly if The Onion spoofs your team . It's gross, but it's funny.....

Strep Throat: The Funnest Thing EVER!

Things Strep Throat Has Kept Me From This Weekend: ~spending time with my son ~commenting on the Susan G. Komen bullshit ~commenting on the Republican campaign bullshit ~seeing a fun band with a gaggle of friends tonight ~going to a Super Bowl party tomorrow ~snuggling and kissing my Honey Bear ~getting out of my pajamas ~doing anything more productive than blogging, FB and Pinterest

Another Damned Book Review

Oh, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck. You never fail to disappoint, but this one you made me work for just a little bit. I thought I was going to have to give this one up in the beginning. It was just a little too grimey for me.....a little too descriptive for my taste. But then I realized, this is a book by Chuck Fucking Palahniuk! You are gonna have to be grossed out and shocked before it's all over! I know some people might find it distasteful to read about a 13 year-old condemned to hell, but I'm sorry, this is too witty not to enjoy. After a while you pretty much forget about the pretense of hell because you're so busy smirking at the Branjelina stereotypes, the reasons why people get sent to hell (i.e. white shoes after Labor Day) and the treats used to ploy the evil demons. (At one point I couldn't help but think of the line from Beetlejuice "if I had known then what I know now, I wouldn't have had my little accident". I wouldn't call this feel-good readin

You Worthless Rodent

If this dope is anything to go by , winter shall continue......

Phil on Notice!

Do us right tomorrow, you adorable fat bastard!