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Showing posts from November, 2023

Reclaiming Your Childhood: Priceless

 This story might take a minute to tell. Bear with me. When my sister and I were little girls, my mother took us to a large baptist church in town. Even as a child, I never remember feeling welcome there.  But I do remember the lovely older couple that kept my Sunday School class. They gave us saltines and kool-aid, and I remember thinking they would be nice grandparents to have. At Christmastime, the Sunday School class was set to have a random gift exchange. Every child was supposed to bring a gift that could be exchanged with any other specific gift designations.  I received the gift of an Avon 7 bead necklace which was very popular at the time.  I loved it so much and was thrilled to have it!  I was somewhere between 5 and 7 at the time. (Back in the 1970's and 80's, Avon was a cosmetic company that was also known for it's inexpensive jewelry.  I couldn't find a price on what this necklace would have cost back then, but apparently there is a lot of inte

Prepping for the 3rd Act

 Getting older is a weird phenomenon, y'all.  On some issues I get more and more irritable and other things I forget almost as soon as they happen. I care less and less about politics because....well....does any of it matter anymore?  I am more offended by media coverage of war's obvious there is an agenda in telling me which side I should be on.   And every time I see any sort of coverage showing women and children in Israel, Gaza, Ukraine and so on, all I can hear in my head is Sting's great 80's song Russians .  Funny how the Cold War has revitalized itself.   I don't argue about politics anymore.....not online or in person. I care about issues (some very deeply) but I'm not arguing or advocating. I know that might offend some, but I suppose I have passed it on to the youngers. It's time for the next generation to take up the mantle.  But I do find myself commenting on random stranger's posts giving them encouragement and hoped