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Showing posts from October, 2023


 Sometimes it's hard to know how we came to love the the things we love.  And other times it's really clear. I knew I loved the movie "The Age of Innocence" from the first time I saw it as a teenager.  Maybe it was DDL , maybe the gorgeous costumes or that phenomenal Scorsese snap that the film seems to have.  (The close-ups of handwritten notes.....the scenes through gauzy lace.....when Newland SMELLS the handle of her umbrella and KISSES her shoe!!!!) But I digress. And sure, sure.....I loved the 1997 version of Titanic with Leo and Kate.  (And no, y'all, she COULD NOT HAVE moved over.) And though I was late, I jumped right into Downton Abbey as well.  Now I watch HBO's The Gilded Age.....because well.....I think I signed a waiver or something along the way.  (Kidding.  Or am I????) But truthfully, it was all loooooong before all of this media.  And I think it has a little something to do with being a North Carolina girl. As any true Gilded Age fan and follo

Modern Major Misogynist

 "Tractor company?  Does your husband work there?" "No, dude.  I work there." "Oh.  Wow.  Okay." Actual conversation with guy I met at the fair asking about the company t-shirt I was wearing that advertised said tractor company.   As a woman who has worked in the administrative, creative and retail side of construction for over 15 years, sometimes I forget that the world doesn't always think like I do, and gratefully neither does my industry.  This isn't a statistical kind of blog, but I can tell you that more and more women work in construction than ever before.....and not just in office jobs like me!  Women are driving, repairing and operating heavy equipment.  They advertise it, sell it and negotiate pricing for it.  They own companies that use it and teach other people how to use it.   Women.....gasp!  Get their hands dirty now! (But to be fair whilst at the fair, I saw another man employed by the same company as me as we were both wearing work

Is It Love or Just a Cheap Condo?

 When you're single, everyone has advice for you.  Especially people who haven't dated in over 20 years.  Boy, are they full of it!  Advice, I mean.  Of course, that's what I mean. I never really felt like I had trouble dating when I was younger.  I liked a boy, he liked me, we went out.  Or either he didn't like me, I pined over him for 6-8 weeks then met a new boy.  It didn't feel that hard or complicated.  You spent time together, got to know one another, found activities you enjoyed doing together, checked on your chemistry and then boom!  You had yourself a relationship. I'm not trying to make light of the tricky business of finding love.  Not at all.  On one hand, it's an absolute goddamm miracle that you can find a kindred flame in a whole other body.  And someone who looks and smells good too!  It's one of life's greatest beautiful accomplishments. Rufus Wainwright said it best (of course he says so many things best): "Life is a game, an