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Showing posts from January, 2023

Guess Who's Back.....

So. Everyone keeps telling me I need to start writing again.  Start blogging again.  Start sharing something again.  Well, here I am.  And it has been so long that I can barely remember how to use this blog platform.   And let me tell you kiddos something, a lot has happened in the last 4 years.  A LOT.  And I don't just mean all of the terrible things that have affected us all.....the pandemic, the Trump administration and even more Kardashian romances.....I mean a lot has happened to me! I changed workplaces, got divorced (again), became an empty-nester and single mom, and started dating again.  I feel like I need to rename this blog "The Brand New Becky" or something similar.  Stay tuned for that! The thing is, I do keep thinking of topics and thoughts I'd like to share.  I'm still reading a lot....seeing a lot of movies and taking in a lot of media the way I always have.  Here's another change-up for I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I'm lo