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Showing posts from September, 2018

The Magical Beardiness of FitzMagic

If you follow the NFL, you know that the magical ride of FitzMagic may not last for much longer.  But if you're like me, you're down for every bit of it.....

Carolina Ren Fest Starts Today!

Carolina Renaissance Festival begins today in Huntersville. One of my fave festivals in NC this time of year! Huzzzaaaah!

Movie Pick: The Clan of the Cave Bear

So I did end up watching the film after reading the book , and I was pretty pleased with it.  This could have so easily been a completely hokey movie, but it was actually presented with taste and tact......even when some of the subject matter was difficult. Released in 1986 , this film featured the beautiful Daryl Hannah, who at that time was mainly known for Ron Howard's Splash.  (Incidentally, a childhood fave of mine.)  And while it's hard to watch with a sensibility of modern times, the clan mores of female subservience are treated as well as they can be.  And the female heroism and stoicism are lessons for any time period.  I really didn't stress enough in my original review just how empowering this novel and film are.  Just what stops Ayla?  Unforgiving rules of gender?  Male dominance and rape?  Unflinching fear?  Being considered weird and ugly by her cohorts?  Nope.  None of the above.  It's as much a lesson today as it was waaaay back in the Stone Ages

Book Pick: The Clan of the Cave Bear

Definitely not a book I would typically choose, but I'm so glad I did!  This book made me want to study evolution and ancient humankind like never before.  I'm still debating about watching the film from 1986 starring Daryl Hannah , but I worry that it might ruin the beautiful book.  I'll get back to you on that.  (FYI, as a means to understanding, I was glad I found this funny little article to differentiate between the Neaderthals and Cro-Mags....not the band, that is.) This is the last book I was able to finish off the PBS list before the fall series began.  I may go back to the list again later, but who knows?  I ended with 39 of the 100 books and probably about 10 or so that I started and didn't finish.  And I hate to be "one of those people" but don't even get me started on all the wonderful books the list left off.  Of course, to any true reader, a list like that can never really be complete.  I'd say of the choices on the list my fa

Paul McCartney: No More Lonely Nights

"May I never miss the thrill, Of being near you...." 

Book Pick: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Another pick off the PBS list , but I'm did kids ever enjoy this?  The only peeps I see digging this are shroomers in their 20's.  I guess I just don't get it. 

Book Picks by Fiona Davis

A few months ago, I was quite enthralled with Fiona Davis' 2 works of historical fiction: The Address and The Dollhouse.  Both have strong female protagonists, both are interwoven with historical people and real events and both are set in historic NYC landmarks: The Dakota and The Barbizon Hotel for Women.  Every time I read books like this, I'm so glad for the progress that women have made and am reminded of the work that needs to continue for the next generation.  I also love the manners and gentility of generations past and the realization that some things never change. I need to grab up Davis' other recently released book, The Masterpiece: A Novel.  This one is apparently focusing on another NYC crown jewel: Grand Central Station.  I think I see some quiet fall reading time in my future..... 

Bigfoot Festival Today in Marion!

Check out their FB page for details on this one-of-a-kind NC festival!

Movie Pick: Juliet, Naked

My husband and I realized last night that we usually go and see ONE MOVIE per year in an acutal theatre and it's almost always in the summertime.  So seeing this one on Labor Day barely made the cut! If there is a way for me to stop loving my 90's crush Ethan Hawke , then you JUST TELL ME HOW!  This film was so meta for me in so many ways.....the long lost loves of the 90's, the grown-up Troy Dyer references , and the fact that Ethan even sounds likes Jeff Tweedy when he sings......coincidence?  That fact that he sounds like the singer of one of his favorite bands that is also my favorite band?   I DON'T THINK SO!!!! Seriously, even with some heavy themes, the adaptation of the Nick Hornby novel  (another book pick here ) is light and funny and just the way to cap off the summer.  Especially with the adorable Rose Byrne.  I also really need to find Blaze on a screen somewhere, so I can just fan girl a little bit more with my Ethan.  All these Ethan op

Book Pick: A Separate Peace

I finished off another on the PBS list knocking me up to 37 of 100 .  I still have a ways to go! A lot of folks love this book for the coming-of-age story that it is, but it just didn't resonate too much with me.  Maybe it's all the New England preppiness of it.....but hey.....I did love Dead Poet's Society!  I did like the part at the end when the boys realize that all men romanticize the wars they were in after they are over.  That is probably the truest part of the story. 

Book Pick: Logical Family

Reading Tales of the City made me realize I'd had too long of a life without Armistead Maupin in it.  And while I can relate to absolutely none of his privileged North Carolina upbringing, I did enjoy the picture he paints of a state that has changed a lot since his youth.  (Or has it?) His takes on Jesse Helms, Vietnam, the young and fiery John Kerry, the old and gross Nixon and the brave new world of 1970's San Francisco are all educational and delightful.  Could dear Armistead be nearly as charming as he seems?  If so, I want to sign up to be his adorable niece and he to be my jolly old uncle immediately if not sooner. I also really appreciated his witness-to-history activism and name-dropping of all the valuable players of that time.  I've done my share of reading, so that was downright exciting. His coming to terms with his upbringing and his family held something for me too, and the obvious love of his well-meaning but sometimes delusional parents is lovely.