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Showing posts from December, 2012

2012 Year End Issue

Wow.  What a year it has been.  There were some definite highs and lows and a few things that were quite unexpected.  So here we go...... 2012: The Best and Worst Best Theatric Movie: Looper Best Old Movie Seen for the First Time: Legends of the Fall Most Unexpected Pleasure: Watching my son bond with his baby sister Most Irritating Online Moment: Watching ex friends bond with ex's new wife Best Books of the Year: The Company You Keep , Double Bind , Jimmy Hendrix Turns 80 Biggest Book Disappoint of the Year After Much Anticipation: Winter of the World Biggest Time Waste of the Year: tie between reading 50 Shades of Gray in one weekend and the intermittent episodes of The Office I've managed to catch Best Too Short Season of a Great Series: Mad Men Scariest Moment of the Year: going to hospital with new husband Biggest Relief of the Year: coming home from hospital with new husband Happiest Times of the Year: at home with husband and son Highlight of