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Showing posts from October, 2012

Halloween Sisters

No one knows you or understands you like your siblings.  And for this reason, I really feel bad for only children sometimes.  Also, you can make fun of how they dance and they can't do anything about it.  That is love.

I'm Not 17 Anymore.....And I'm Glad!

In keeping with always being incredibly behind the times, my high school sweetheart and I watched Easy A last night on FX.   I feel the need to point out my husband was my high school sweetheart because whenever we watch flicks about high school, we inevitably end up talking about our school days together.  And we almost always agree, as probably anyone over the age of 30 will, that the times, indeed, are a'changing. First off, I was pretty let down by this movie.  I thought I knew what it was all about, but obviously I was dead wrong.  How does creating and running your own rumor mill make you a strong young woman?  If you control the rumors about your sluttiness you are somehow empowered?   And then when a boy asks you out and actually wants some the action in the rumors, then you are insulted?   And it's not until you get insulted and cry your eyes out that you have the nerve to tell the boy you've liked since middle school that you actually like him? I've

The Updated 'Steel Magnolias': My Take

I will tell you right up front that, no, it wasn't as good as the original.  But let's be fair many movie re-makes are?  But even admitting that, I still think it was a good movie. I think the biggest reason it wasn't as good as the first was because it was a 2 hour cable television movie with commercials.  There just wasn't enough time to develop each character's personal story as in the first movie.   And while the stellar cast of women was pretty much the best you could get, the male co-stars were pretty Sam Shepard or Tom Skerrit here.   But let me tell you what I did like...... Jill Scott as Truvy.  She was excellent as the saucy hairdresser. (She also has some past experience as the neglected wife which she plays well.)  Alfre Woodard was also great, and I loved her twangy accent. I loved that while the scenes were very close copies, they weren't identical.  I love Queen Latifah, but we all knew she would not b

The Great Pumpkin

  Time f lies ....... 

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

We are pumpkining this weekend!  Pics to follow......


It will blow your mind.

Magic 8 Ball, Are Things Finally Starting to Look Up?

Dads & Ears

Did you know there is a whole slew of videos on YouTube featuring young people hearing for the first time with a hearing device or cochlear implant?  It really makes you realize what a wonderful world we live in today with all its medical and technological innovation! I especially like this video for how the girl leans toward and responds to her dad's comfort.   Very recently in an episode that E-Roc and I know call "the wonkadoo heart", my dad really came to the rescue when I was in a very scary place.  It's funny how the comfort of your parents can instantly turn you back into a little girl again, and when you are still a little girl, give you pretty much everything you need!

Ye Ye Yee Live Action!

If you aren't watching Call of the Wildman , you are not only missing some great "ye ye yee live action!" but also a great friendship.  I don't know what E-Roc and I love more, watching Turtle Man grab up a wild critter by the tail or listening to Neal tell him "be careful, buddy!"

Upside Down!

Little Boy and I have both rediscovered our love for this soundtrack.