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Showing posts from July, 2012

Cozy Coupe Distraction

Your standard non-sport package Cozy Coupe. Cruising the streets with Parent. Has its very own parking space! Kind of a Cozy Coupe flip-off to us licensed drivers. Broke down?  Waiting for parts?  Residence maybe? What about you????  Where have you seen interesting Cozy Coupe photo ops in your town?  I collected all these from the Interwebs, but I constantly see them broken down and lying around in various places in my neighborhood.  I always wonder what that poor kid is driving while he waits for his dad to get around to fixing his lil coupe....  This post, as random as it clearly is, means nothing more than to offer a distraction to whatever everyday struggles you may be facing in life.  I hope it put a little smile on your face and made you think about Cozy Coupes for a minute and forget about all that other overwhelming stuff.  Now you when head back out on the road today, you'll be on the look-out for Cozy Coupes in distress.  Or on rooftops.  Or i

Can You Believe This Daggum Cute Kid?